A lot of it is mechanized
They want the land without the people. Just imagine how much profits western agricorps can make in Ukraine.
If we are lucky they will give the resistance groups in the Middle East some critical weapons. Hit the US where it hurts: the Zionist colony.
“There is nothing that is more certain sign of insanity than to do the same thing over and over and expect the results to be different” ― Albert Einstein
I wonder if there is some place, a forward base of the US, that is within striking distance of Russian troops...
I am so proud of the Palestinian resistance. I expected this outcome. I knew they will win unless the Zionist invaders kill every last Palestinian. Now we need to hold the war criminals accountable and bring them to justice, they can't get away with it.
How is mainstream Linux distro support?
This is significant because The U.S. has special rules for satellites over one country: Israel. Amazing what Hezbollah can undo with just a few drones.
I am really optimistic that the US can and will be defeated.
I hope governments and companies are paying attention to this.
Who knew McDonald's and other Western brands were taking this big of a cut back with them?!*
* I know know... but a part of me likes to think that Russia is saving massively by not having Western branded stuff.