USB3 has a bug in its specification which causes some interferences on the 2.4GHz band. This yields to a massiv signal strength drop to a zigbee usb stick if you have something plugged in next to it in a USB3 slot. This video from HomeAssistant demonstrates the effect very nicely.
joined 1 year ago
The conbee 3 was just approved by some licensing agency.
But I would recommend the Sonoff Zigbee Gateway ZBDongle E. Upgraded to this with ZHA from Conbee 2 and deconz and it works much more reliable and faster.
But most important: Don't forget that 2 m USB2 cable to prevent the USB3 interference bug.
No that's because vodafone puts their own firmware version on it with limited settings. If you get the same fritzbox with the default firmware from AVM then you have port forwarding.