Minor Features
- It is now possible to blueprint entities of friendly forces.
- "Pick up items" will no longer fire at the same time as other actions. This fixes character picking up items when flipping blueprints. (106680)
- Fixed not being able to select assembling machine recipe if Craft, Craft 5 and Craft all were not bound to any button (106704)
- Fixed another crash when downgrading ghost of assembling machine when target machine cannot craft recipe due to missing pipes.
- Fixed that you could blueprint enemy force tile ghosts.
- Fixed that the mod manager would occasionally download updates that are incompatible with the current game version. (106719)
- Fixed missing support for wind and ambient category for sound prototypes. (106775)
- Fixed selection tool rendering in the chart for ghost rails. (106801)
- Fixed enemy expansion would fail to expand into chunks with entities invisible to the enemy. (106787)
- Fixed some controls allowing binding to buttons that would not work. (106721)
- Added dash_offset to LuaRendering::draw_line.
- Added LuaFluidBox::get_fluid_system_contents() method.
- Added LuaFluidBox::get_pipe_connections() method.
Use the automatic updater if you can (check experimental updates in other settings) or download full installation at http://www.factorio.com/download/experimental.
Update 1.1.83 added support for controllers https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=106660
From the devs about the steam deck https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?p=586148#p586148