
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Hey question, for it to be white-on-white racism, would you say there needs to be like some threshold of harm/hurt done? I'm thinking like a person thinking it's dumb and moving on probably wasn't what you were referring to.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 7 months ago

I don't want any comrades to self-harm, yes, even if they are white


[–] [email protected] 6 points 7 months ago

Dang the alienating bit was rough, you hit a friendly on the way


[–] [email protected] 8 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Yeah, this reason is sorta why I think I'd prefer if white peoples didn't identify with it. It feels like there's still way more benefit than not in most situations for most people. Like white supremacy is still around so that systemic/broad benefit is still there.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

What happens if people who are white 'reclaim' anti-cracker-aktion ??

Do we still use it or switch to like, using lmayo more? It doesn't really have the same ring to it.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 7 months ago (1 children)

When I see it on hexbear or like friends (I have a white friend dw; ok had and that's cuz I moved) I does not bother me, sometimes it comes out of the blue I think, but maybe that's me not paying attention.

I'm at an institution which is quite progressive (groups speak out against Isr--l killing Gazans (and uh, other people from Isr--l) and whenever profs or some upper year well-known students, academics or scholars do it, even the ones that are kinda based, I cringe hard and it's difficult to believe it's genuine and not finding another way to put the spotlight on themselves...

[–] [email protected] 6 points 7 months ago

Yeah, definitely.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I like using been, I listened to a podcast where a linguist explained how versatile it was. If you shorten it that means it like happened in the past and it's continuing to happen and you say it with more like emphasis, maybe like more plosive like a 'P':

"He been playing Mario Kart 8. Mans can't put the joycon down!"

Like you are doing something now or started recently if you say it kinda neutral:

"Yeah, I been tryna find some piece to play, I just keep on playin' Chopin, boy's been havin' it since 1818 or something. Old man and it's been a while since he dead, but he wasn't ok with dyin' cuz he's been killin' it.

Maybe like sarcastically or when you lengthen it:

A: "You do your part of the assignment? I haven't started I went to see Speed since it was playing."
B: "You were watching a re-run of some old movie no one's heard? Well, I've been doing my homework, y'know, what was assigned and we agreed to do."

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago

You gave me the worst dumbnet evil AI scenario. It's going to live rent-free in my head. I can't believe you've done this. /s

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Wait why would there be litter boxes in classrooms? Why would they be allowed cats? Do people think that's how kids are getting

potential trigger i think'feminized'?
That wouldn't even be a good way to do it.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago (1 children)

This comment too, I hope it makes or helps me read Discipline and Punish. The only exposure I had to Foucault confused me and made me hurt myself in confusion so I decided to stay away...

What you wrote made it sound really interesting, here's hopin' I can read it sooner rather than later!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago

Second comment of yours I saved in this thread, keep up the good postin' cde! rat-salute-2


hi, I've been pretty happy with macOS recently on my m1 MacBook, really only because I've been paying for software from awesome devs who make great apps (plenty are open source, so most I use are not paid) and I've found my productivity increase like a lot.

It's like I'm fighting less with the computer and the OS, and sorta working together with it. Since it's a mac though it's still a pain. When I install things with brew or software straight from the dev I need to do this dance to be able to use it (since it's from an 'unidentified' developer).

I wanted to try out Asahi, I saw that there was a new version released recently, any folks here who daily drive it and could share their experience? This is currently my main machine so I'm a bit hesitant in swapping over (I guess I could dual boot?) and school is out atm so I have a bit of time to troubleshoot and feel comfortable in a new environment.

thanks in advance~

EDIT: I am mostly familiar with Debian/ubuntu, I run stuff headless and SSH into it, like at the moment I have a proxmox 8 server and some raspberry pi's that I use to host stuff. I have a windows 11 pc which I use for playing some games and to run certain kinds of software.



Hi all, I'm part of a small NGO which has a long history but small membership due to some unfortunate events in the past. The membership was almost in the thousands across the country it's in, and now it's only in the dozens. Other orgs siphoned off members, a split happened (which didn't go anywhere) and there was a scandal that saw more people leave or resign.

This is all to say that the members of the NGO are a bit older and not very knowledgeable about technology. We use forms and take minutes during our meetings. We have in-person events, including educational, discussion, helping out other orgs, pamphleting, putting up posters, and use social media and to advertise.

Our membership is growing again but this time we are looking to be organized. Using stuff like a shared events calendar and a mailing list (right now it's a bunch of emails in a word doc that are copy pasted in gmail). Logging our experiences during events and creating maps for our postering runs. Ideally we'd like to self-host what we can since some folks donated hardware.

The Ask

My question is what would be a good approach to creating a cohesive tech stack? Things are disjointed right now and I've been working on stuff on my own but I'm a bit lost and was looking for advice. I'll write what I have done so far.

Specific Tools

Proxmox Server – to manage different machines as we add to it

MediaWiki – I set one up to have members add entries for their experiences during events for a repository of unstructured qualitative data, I used docker and cloudflare zero trust (adding emails to a whitelist and with a country whitelist) to limit who can access the wiki along with permissions for each user, not sure if this is good security practice, the mediawiki is in its own container in proxmox

OpenStreetMap – I haven't set this up yet but I wanted to annotate the different routes people could take when putting up posters, I haven't looked into if there's a street view type feature where I could add a photo to each point to show how the posters should be placed

Radicale – This would be for having better access over a shared calendar

Prospective Tools?

Guides – We do stuff like brew beer in small batches to sell at some of our events, we spent a bunch of cash on printing logos on sticker paper to put on the bottles, we learned along the way how to do it cheaply and would like to ensure that knowledge stays with us next time around, I think this might work as a section in the mediawiki but idk

Closing Thoughts

There's other stuff too like secure storage and maybe like an equivalent of wikimedia for our art/visual resources. Places to have our slideshows from our educational events and list of people to go to for different things (e.g. I and another person can make logos and simple art stuff). We also use whatsapp and signal atm and that seems to work but there is some interest in something like slack or teams for structured conversation.

If you haven't noticed I don't really know what I am doing and I'm a bit in over my head. I am having a ton of fun even though it's frustrating. I get that planning everything out isn't necessarily the best idea but it reduces my anxiety a ton to know there's some kind of a roadmap.

Thanks in advance!!

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