
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 7 months ago

MSNBC loved him right?

They certainly did.

Fuck it, day release... What could go wrong?

He starts grifting just a few hours after he gets out. "Hi, my name is Michael Avenatti and I'd like to reclaim my life from the dark forces that unjustly ruined by life and put me in prison. This GoFundMe with a goal of $1,000,000 is co-sponsored by President Biden, President Obama, President Clinton..."

Biden could pardon him.

I like Avenatti, jack. And don't talk back.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 7 months ago

~~Trader Joe's~~

Reactionary Joe's

[–] [email protected] 19 points 7 months ago (2 children)

I don't know if it's accurate but it makes me laugh. My favorite silly infographic...

[–] [email protected] 9 points 7 months ago (2 children)

failing train service, Michael Avanti?

Avenatti does have a ring to it. In any case - he couldn't join them on the stump. He'll be in the slammer for another 17 years.

Michael Avenatti

He has been imprisoned since February 7, 2022. On December 5, 2022, he was sentenced to an additional 14 years for stealing millions from clients, bringing his total sentence to 19 years without the possibility of parole.


[He] is an American former attorney and convicted felon, currently incarcerated in federal prison at FCI Terminal Island. He is best known for his legal representation of adult film actress Stormy Daniels in lawsuits against then U.S. President Donald Trump, and his multiple convictions for attempting to extort sports apparel company Nike and defrauding and embezzling settlement money from a series of other clients.


Caption: "Wooden churches in Kizhi and Vytegra have as many as twenty-five onion domes."

Onion dome

An onion dome is a dome whose shape resembles an onion. Such domes are often larger in diameter than the tholobate (drum) upon which they sit, and their height usually exceeds their width. They taper smoothly upwards to a point.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I have a beard. Am I Hamas?


Ninja edit: I'm being informed in my non-existent earpiece that Nancy Pelosi claims that I might be Hamas because I have a beard but I do not support Israel. In addition - I might have connections to Putin. This is more complicated than I thought!

[–] [email protected] 55 points 7 months ago (2 children) • Where Is Hamas Getting Weapons? Increasingly, From Israel. - The New York Times

Israeli military and intelligence officials have concluded that a significant number of weapons used by Hamas in the Oct. 7 attacks and in the war in Gaza came from an unlikely source: the Israeli military itself. For years, analysts have pointed to underground smuggling routes to explain how Hamas stayed so heavily armed despite an Israeli military blockade of the Gaza Strip.

But recent intelligence has shown the extent to which Hamas has been able to build many of its rockets and anti-tank weaponry out of the thousands of munitions that failed to detonate when Israel lobbed them into Gaza, according to weapons experts and Israeli and Western intelligence officials. Hamas is also arming its fighters with weapons stolen from Israeli military bases.


[Hamas's] manufacturing abilities are now sophisticated enough to saw into the warheads of bombs weighing up to 2,000 pounds, to harvest the explosives and to repurpose them.

The top comment

So let me get this straight:

The Israelis apparently had ample intelligence warning of an impending Hamas attack a FULL YEAR prior to October 7 … and yet Netanyahu and his right wing cabinet chose to ignore those threats. Now according to this article, many of the weapons used in the attacks were from Israel themselves?

I’m sorry, I just don’t understand why Bibi Netanyahu continues to get a pass from Israel’s citizens to remain in power? He is an abject security failure and is steering his country towards less security and world isolation.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 7 months ago (1 children)

It's not even that. Biden isn't even pretending to use leverage. He's giving Israel what they want and then he's making meek and ridiculous statements to the American media.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago

This reminds me of Biden's 2021 moronic "negotiations" with Sinema and Manchin who never act in good faith. He gave away the store and threw away his leverage. Then he asked them meekly if they'd do what he liked.

That won't work. In fact - it's guaranteed to fail.

Three U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the issue told me there was no direction from the White House to review or slow-walk weapons supply to Israel. Two of the officials told me there are some people in the administration who would like this to be true, but it isn't.


[–] [email protected] 8 points 7 months ago (1 children)


I'm American and I know the word is a synonym for wardrobe. But I only hear rarely hear it.

For anybody reading this - if you use armoire - is it basically the same thing as a wardrobe or does the word have a feeling that the furniture is (very) old?

[–] [email protected] 28 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I'm sure the answers are a big "no" for each question but...

  1. Is there another alternative frontend?

  2. I don't understand the tech stuff. Has Elon killed off any possibility of a future good alternative front end?



Hierarchy of hazard controls

Hierarchy of hazard control is a system used in industry to prioritize possible interventions to minimize or eliminate exposure to hazards. It is a widely accepted system promoted by numerous safety organizations. This concept is taught to managers in industry, to be promoted as standard practice in the workplace. It has also been used to inform public policy, in fields such as road safety. Various illustrations are used to depict this system, most commonly a triangle.

Oh, Well (

Spinal Tap - move over. It's a cover of Fleetwood Mac's "Oh, Well" by a German bass saxophone quartet.

A bass saxophone pretty damn big...

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (1 children)

Due to federalism - each state is different. Some have open primaries and some don't. Iowa doesn't even have a primary. They have a caucus. It's not open - each party has its own thing. It's... Haha - it's too hard for me to explain.

Explainer: How the Iowa caucuses work - YouTube

What's not explained is there's a lot of yelling in the gym to try to get people to go from one candidate's "team" to another. It's a pretty silly thing to do in the era of the internet for a nation of 340 million people. Also - Iowa and New Hampshire have very small populations and they are far from being demographically representative. They are very white states.

Mrs. Robinson (

I know many of you are thinking who gives a shit. But I think Stevens does some cool stuff in the song especially the very keyboard like intro. And it never hurts to learn how cool stuff is created. • Steve Stevens: The Right Way to Play Billy Idol's "Rebel Yell" | Guitar World

I guess you could say this about a lot of songs—but almost nothing screams "Eighties" like the opening guitar lick to Billy Idol's "Rebel Yell." The song, which was written by Idol and his longtime guitarist, Steve Stevens, actually charted twice—once in 1983 and again in 1985.

In late 2014, Stevens got together with TC Electronic to spill the beans about the lick's bluesy roots—and to show you how to play it correctly (1:27). In the clip, he also runs through his verse (2:30) and bridge (3:48) guitar parts. Back in the day, listeners thought Stevens' opening riff was actually a mix of guitar and keyboards—but it's all Stevens.

Below (bottom video), be sure to check out another gem from late 2014—a stripped-down but very exciting and emotional acoustic rendition of "Rebel Yell" as performed by Idol and Stevens at the CBGB Music & Film Festival in New York City.

Cry Me A River (
Protect Ya Neck (
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