
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago

I always thought I would make a good cult member.

I thought you were the cult leader? Isn’t this the Bookworm LN Cult?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

Statistically speaking a peasant in a random kingdom is the most likely option. So I am aiming for a world where peasants aren’t abused, or at least not abused as much.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

What about the riskiest worlds?

1 - So I’m a Spider so What?

  1. The protagonists were reincarnated as the being that most suited their soul. There is a real possibility I could be reincarnated as a slug or worm
  2. The world is ruthless. The MC was reincarnated as a spider in a dungeon about to get eaten by their mother

2 - Ascendance of a Bookworm

  1. If you are born with the devouring and not a Nobel there is a high chance you will die.
  2. If you are not a Nobel and upset one you could be killed.

3 - Death March to another world rhapsody

  1. There are lots of stong monsters
  2. Demons seem to pop up regularly
[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago) (4 children)

Here are the top ones based on the LNs I have read.

1 - Making Magic


  1. Before and After Chise is reincarnated the world is mostly at peace. There are monsters and criminal gangs but they are not as common as in other worlds.
  2. When Chise is reincarnated she is given creation magic as a gift from the gods and is able to gain skills.
  3. Commoners seem to be treated fairly ok and are not abused.
  4. It seems to be fairly easy to generate money so living should not be too hard.


  1. I can’t think of any major Cons

2 - In the land of Leadale


  1. Before and After Cayna the is reincarnated the world is mostly at peace. There are monsters and criminal gangs but they are not as common as in other worlds.
  2. There are other players who may be able to relate / help
  3. Commoners seem to be treated fairly ok and are not abused.
  4. It seems to be fairly easy to generate money so living should not be too hard.


  1. If you didn’t have skills in the game you don’t have them after reincarnating
  2. You are unable to gain any new skills
  3. Opusketten-Shultheimer exists in the world

3 - Log Horizon (Based on Anime, I haven’t read the LN)


  1. You are not alone - There are lots of other people with you
  2. It looks like you can still level up but things have changed compared to the game
  3. The world is changing - It is evolving with the flavour text becoming real and people becoming the Avatar, this opens the possibility for positive paths
  4. There are a lot of smart people working on solutions
  5. You respawn if you die


  1. You respawn if you die - There is no escape
  2. You lose memories if you die
  3. There are Factions, hostages, unknown variables
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Favourite Parts:

  • Myne interacting with her friends and family like a normal child
  • Myne doing weird and odd things
  • The world building
  • side character POV at the end of the novels

Least Favourite Parts:

  • Battle for Ehrenfest (I enjoyed parts of it but it just didn’t resonate with me)
  • Ferdinand x Myne


  1. Myne - The Lovable Gremlin
  2. Justus - The Man of Many Face
  3. Hannelore - The Quiet Dunkelfelger
  4. Benno - The Menacing Merchant
  5. Bonifatius - The Boisterous Grandfather
  6. Angelica - The ~~Dim~~ Dedicated Guard Knight
  7. Harmut - The Brainwasher
  8. Rihyarda - The Dependable Retainer
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I think it's unfortunate that the friendship between Myne and Frieda (granddaughter of Merchant's Guild guildmaster) didn't pan out. I wonder what happened to her.

I agree, I was hoping to see more of her. Myne only survived because of her but she got relegated to restaurant duty. I was hoping she might be saved from marrying a Nobel by Myne now she has more authority.

Lutz x Tuuli is another pairing I wish I knew more of. It feels like there is an untold story there and I would absolutely love to see a spinoff novel to see their point of view.

Yeah, again I would have liked to see more of the lower city in the later volumes. What are Mynes family doing while she at school?, what is Benno planning?, what is Heidi up to?, What do people think is happening with the nobels?

One of my least favorite points in the entire story was when the whole Rozemyne x Ferdinand thing started to crystalize. The thought alone made me feel icky.

Yeah, I can see the familiar love but romantic love just seems wrong. Also did you get an obsessive love from Ferdinand when he was saying how he views Myne at the start of the final volume? It sounded like he was obsessed with Myne rather than in love with her.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Ascendance of a Bookworm - Part 5: Vol.12

Bookworm has come to an end. It ended better than I thought, the loose ends were wrapped up and it ended at a good point. I would still like to know what happens after that and what happens to all the people she meet along the way. It looks like there are side stories to come and possible an extension to the main story so there is hope.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I knew I would get someone with Number 1.

I thought Number 2 would be easy if you have seen the anime or read the LN up to meeting the character. It’s quite a unique position.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (4 children)

Quote 1 -

Why, at this rate I’ll have to write the books myself, and then I can become a librarian like I always wanted!

Answer - Quote 1Didn’t I say to make my abilities average

Quote 2 -

Lemme go, [Redacted]! Insulting me is one thing, but I cannot let him get away with insults to the demon king and my subordinates! Otherwise, I am a failure as minister of agriculture!

Answer - Quote 2I’ve been killing slimes for 300 years (Sample from - I have been a buricrate for 1500 years)

Quote 3 -

Anyway, now that I’m back home, I’ve wasted no time doing some follow-up investigations. The Colonel’s gonna look out for the elves until they reach the border, but there’s no telling what’ll happen after that.

Answer - Quote 3So I’m a spider, so what?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

We also have the next Anime season to enjoy.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Bookworm this week.

I am going to miss it.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

So I’m a spider so what?

The ending was rushed resulting in uncharacteristic actions by the MC and other people. Then it has a chapter listing 2 sentences of what happened to each person. It would have been much better to use the chapter to expand the ending a bit.


Sorry for the late post, works been hectic today.

If you could make any changes to a LN series what change would you make to improve it?

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