How can our memes be real if our eyes aren't real?
I thought it was that all gay porn is furry.
It hasn't turned out to be healthy. I feel isolated from the world and unable to communicate with others in real life as well as I can with randos on the internet. I have nothing interesting to talk about because I don't do anything and haven't figured out how to drag myself out of this mire.
Honestly I prefer it to the same macros being posted time and again.
They'll give you targets to hit with your vom.
Certain crowds have given me the impression that basically everyone should be brutally murdering eachother.
This one's pretty easy, jusy click them all.
You commented 4 times.
I deleted all my comments but my account is still there with my little goodbye. 108k comment, 12k link, and 11 years.
Idk if it's related but I got a permaban for reporting hateful content which they then took down. I appealed with this image for funsies but I don't really care either way.
That makes a lot of sense.
What a dumb lie. No one at FOX could ever spell or pronounce xenophobia.