joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago


I think that is the point where I would consider pressing attempted murder charges. That shit is insanely dangerous and it’s withdrawal can apparently be worst than that of fucking Heroin. Like: There are places that are otherwise very open to drugs that have zero tolerance policy on that stuff.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Okay, rule number 1 about transitioning: The best time to start was for almost all of us a number of years in the past. The second best time is now. It’s never too late!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

The crazy thing about minority report is that nobody, least of all the people who made it, seem to have understood the problem that the movie depicted:

Having the ability to predict attempted killings and interfere with them would be a genuinely good thing! The problem was the notion that everybody who is predicted to commit such a crime gets an extreme punishment without even a trial, consideration of the circumstances, or any of the other things we would normally attempt to do if we learned about someone attempting to commit a crime. Equating premediated murder out of greed with an over-reacting in a highly surprising situation, with self-defense, with pretty much just accidents and punishing them all in the most cruel way you can imagine is what was so idiotic about the movie that it was hard to take seriously. Trials are there for a reason, and that reason isn’t just to figure out what happened physically!

[–] [email protected] 23 points 4 days ago (12 children)

That’s not the kind of thing that I would assume makes people significantly insecure. What might happen though is that she will talk you into transitioning too…

And yes: Transitioning is SOOO good! It’s almost always worth it. 😊

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 days ago

If you don’t want people to point out that you are spreading Nazi-ideology, than maybe don’t spread Nazi-Ideology

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago (3 children)

Locking you (and everyone making similar comments here) up would also help all the people that you won’t have the opportunity to hurt or kill. Because how can I know that you won’t ever commit a crime like that?

The idea that you can get security by simply locking everyone up who commits a crime is delusional and for the outcomes you only need to check the US.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 days ago

Weil es eine signifikante Einschränkung für die weibliche Sexualität darstellt, weil es dich beim Stillen einschränkt, weil Prothesen nicht wirklich bequem sind und weil es deine Körperform zwar vielleicht nicht gerade ruiniert, aber doch im Allgemeinen als negativ für diese angesehen wird.

Im Grunde kann es auch eine Form von Geschlechtsdysphorie auslösen, was auch echt kein Spaß ist.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 days ago

Das hat bestimmt die CIA raus gefunden… Die finden einfach alles raus…

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Ich habe im Rahmen meiner Geschlechtsdysphorie-Diagnose (warum bekommen wir eigentlich keine Steuervorteile, bei dem ganzen Quatsch, denn wir selber zahlen müssen?) einen Screener ausgefüllt, der am Ende „Autismus!“ geschrien hat. (Die einzige Kategorie in der ich im neurotypischen Bereich lag, war Detailorientiertheit und da weiß ich nicht ob ich mich nicht zu sehr mit gewissen Kollegen an meinem Mathematiklehrstuhl verglichen habe. 😉) Zumindest hier in NL wäre das insofern wohl halbwegs machbar.

Keine Ahnung wie das in DE aussieht. Mein genereller Eindruck ist, dass das Gesundheitssytem in DE erheblich mehr wilder Westen als hier in NL ist, was gut ist, wenn die Regularien hier kacke sind (Geschlechtsdysphorie!), aber ich kann mir vorstellen, dass das punktuell auch Vorteile hat.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago (4 children)

Nichr mehr: Seit 2021 ist jeder Grad der Behinderung ≥20 ist über den Behindertenpauschbetrag direktes Geld wert. (Tatsächlich ein Grund warum ich mir überlege meinen klar vorliegenden Autismus diagnostizieren zu lassen, falls ich nach Deutschland zurückziehe…)

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 days ago

Higher education is truly a scam.

It really depends. From what I hear about the US a lot of it is there. But in some ways that is also the exception.

Compare Germany: By most rankings KIT is one of, if not the top university for computer science in the country. The requirements to get a spot there are literally just that you are qualified to study (aka: have the right high school diploma) and haven’t lost your right to study computer science at a public university by conclusively failing to do so at a different German university. When I was there until 2019 we payed a bit over 100€ per semester in administrative fees and got a limited train ticket in exchange.

The only selection criteria were “did you pass your exams?” that during the bachelors were almost all written exams that were the same for everyone. What you learned was to an extend up to you, it was a university, not an apprenticeship, so there certainly was a significant focus on theory, but especially during the masters a lot just fully depended on what you wanted.

The main cost at the time was just general housing and living costs, which in my case was payed for by my mom, but for those for whom this is not an option, provided that they were either German citizens or legal residents for reasons other than the education, there was BAföG, which comes down to an interest-free loan from which you only have to pay back 50%.

And yes, I definitely learned a lot of useful stuff there.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 days ago (1 children)

you definitely don’t have the authority to say he’s definitely beyond ANY help. That’s the part I find ridiculous, not the part where you think there’s something wrong with him

It’s an approach known as perpetrator type theory (or “Tätertypenlehre” in German) that was notably deployed by the Nazis to be able to punish people they didn’t like much harder than others, by allowing them to say for example that someone was inherently and unchangeably a murderer and should thus be executed. The crime was essentially just proof of that, what you got punished for, was what some judge deemed to be the innate criminal personality you had. In particular this allowed to hand out lighter sentences to “Arians” and to decide that Jews for example were inherently bad and could thus be punished much harsher for the same crime.

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