It's just a reference to some weeb shit from 2002
I have a question:
Well, on Reddit, with subreddits, you can go inside with your shoes on, right? Then, what if you stepped on dog poop out on the street, and you went to a subreddit without realizing it... If the Redditor father and mother and eldest son and eldest daughter all stepped on poop and went to a subreddit without realizing it...
How fucking grim is it to read "topics forbidden by the state"
Take your time. :-)
Honestly, I feel like Mastodon is kinda never going to be like Twitter, even if its user count were to grow by two orders of magnitude. There are several reasons why, as the other replies point out, but the most important (IMO) is that Mastodon is just not a profit-driven platform. And if Mastodon is not a profit-driven platform, it is not designed to maximize user engagement. And if it is not designed to maximize user engagement, it is not designed to encourage toxic behavior.
That sounds like a fun idea. I'd love to see it.
Perhaps normally I would do those things for those reasons, but there will always be times when I can neither talk nor leave, and don't have a communication bracelet or smartphone on my person nor a good 'helper' nearby. In those types of last-resort situations, something like trying to call attention to my stimming ends up being really the only form of communication permitted by the all-powerful Zakon*.
It might actually be precisely because this "communicative stimming" is vague/indirect that draws me to it: indirect communication is for me not subject to temporary loss in the same way as the otherwise far more preferable direct communication; and because I so often need to interpret the weird body language of the neurotypical hegemon, I might end up deriving some sort of satisfaction from "turning the tables" in a situation where it's pretty much hopeless that I'd be able to communicate at all otherwise.
*"The Zakon" (← RU зако́н 'law') is my all-encompassing term for rigid routines, as well as hypersensitivities and related behaviors, and the outwardly irrational behaviors related to masking-induced social anxieties/over-analysis. In summary, the Zakon is the compelling force behind every behavior that prompts people to ask why I don't do the obviously much easier and better thing.
But Venezuela, you need to understand that there is no good place to put the V in the acronym, wait for some other countries to join first
It could be that the type of Redditor who appreciates that type of transparency is also the same type of person who is most likely to migrate to a platform whose very code is based on transparency. I would get replies similar to yours whenever I admitted to mistakes on Reddit as well, and those types of replies always gave me mixed feelings, because something so bare-minimum really should be both mundane and expected...