
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago

This is complete bullshit. Unhinged stupidity.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 months ago

Id try it out for sure. Do I need to get a new Huawei phone?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 months ago

Not everyone has the stomach for yet another bloody revolution.

But seeing Palestinians die is fine? I don't think the lack of bloodlust is the issue at all.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

It certainly isn't radical in any Leninist since.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago

You took Trump at his word about NATO. Do you also believe he is anti-war? You gonna block me?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago (1 children)

He is a Zionist and engages in partisan discourse within zionism. He is only critical of who is empowering the Zionist state. He still supports the project, and you agree he does. Being accepting of it absolutely makes him a Zionist. Isreal does not have the right to exist.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago (3 children)

Bernie is a Zionist.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 7 months ago

I think it is fair to say that it has not been properly conceptualized or theorized. However, solidarity with the global south and well articulated anti imperial politics will be vital.

I think of how unionization is having an upturn in the US. For example, Starbucks now has a union. Generally, this is a good thing for Starbucks workers. However, as revolutionaries we have to think globally and ask ourselves what does it all mean for solidarity with coffee farmers. Is there a way to include more workers in our movements? Is there a way to link labor movements with anti-imperialist political movements? There would almost certainly be legal barriers, but still we must answer this.

There also needs to be a reckoning for metropolitan workers, laboring settlers, and white people. We must understand our social relations and we must face up to the fact that we have not always been helpful in building and maintaining solidarity and this is largely because we have played a key role in empire building. Perhaps then we can correct our course.

I also think there is a tendency for anti imperialism to only organize around the low hanging fruit. It is good that we support Palestine in official capacity, or in the streets, or online. However, we never ask how we can support anti imperialism at the bargaining table, with our labor, or by withholding our labor. Further, we are even less willing to take risks for banana farmers, than we are for Palestinians resisting genocide, but both are important.

We have to be willing to potentially ignore our own needs and take risks that show real solidarity. If we stand against land grabs, unequal exchange, dependency, and imperial aggression, we have to recognize that we are likely disqualifing ourselves from healthcare reforms in the near future. Maybe it won't necessarily actually mean such dire risks in reality, but we must be prepared for them. Instead, I'm afraid much of the left has gone that way because they believe it should be a simple matter of correcting wealth distribution. If we can problematize our reliance on imperial spoils (which the relevant thesis effectively does) we may be able to shift our collective consciousness toward something better, for our own sake and for others. Reliance on slavery is no real form of dignified sovereignty if you ask me. Maybe others can agree.

Finally, since there is rarely a willingness to take a risk or go further than leftist profile building, I feel that we are exploiting the Palestinian cause to build and solidify coalitions at home which will only help ourselves at the end of the day. I think this is a faux anti-imperialism, a fake solidarity, that must be addressed as well.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 7 months ago (2 children)

I have on more than one occasion seen westerns outright say that they don’t want to fight against imperialism because they benefit from it. I think that’s how a lot of westerners justify supporting imperialism. This kind of narrative ironically cements the power of imperialism.

This is evidence that the thesis is correct. Revolutionary movements are unlikely because of the relationship with imperialism, whether conscious or not. If admitting this works against us, then there is no project to build. We MUST admit this if we are to eventually succeed where others have failed. If the problem with the thesis is that it makes things harder to articulate with our routine rhetoric, then the problem is denial.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Chapo are idiots


The complex has about 6000 jobs when including the neighboring waste complex (not pictured) and the food factory.

The pollution is off the charts. There is no pollution in town but the fact that people go here to work meant I had to double my clinics to keep heath over 90% and life expectancy over 85 years.

But there is so much productivity. Although almost all gets exported. I have no industry that requires plastic yet. I would like to add fertilizer and explosives but my subway system would likley need to be restructured to accommodate more workers, among other things.

Port for exporting fuel, bitumen, plastic, and chemicals.

Pipelines to both borders. It's a lonely vibe.


I want to see a "green city" that works. Maybe try to find some optimal templates.

We don't have to call it that. But I would like to see more attempts at a few things I have yet to see players acheive:

Urban farming - a city that grows a lot of crops and has its own food factory. I have a template I am experimenting on for this but it is hard to keep everyone's needs in walking distance. I don't think it all needs to be grow in the city but the more the better. I currently am experimenting with small fields in residential areas to boost crop production. IMO if there is one industry that should be somewhat decentralized it is food. Greenhouse mods are acceptable although they are not up to date.

Cleaner(er) energy - making a power grid work with only renewables will be a huge challenge that I would love to see. Maybe there can be a limit for one nuclear power plant and bonus points if it's a single reactor, that way there is baseline power but I think you must have your own waste facility.

Waste obviously - recycle as much waste as possible. Incinerator power plants can be acceptable as a 'necessary evil' because, although they are big polluters, you still need a ton of trash for it to run at baseline and it would be irresponsible to export waste and make someone else deal with your trash.

Other than those 3 perameters it is up to the player what goes on in this green city, but the more self sufficient the better.

Please add any suggestions to this idyllic city challenge. I will work on my experiment as I have time and post about it when something is working.


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This channel is usually intriguing, and I thought people here would find this video interesting. What do you think about his takes here?

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