I live in this shit hole state and it js miserable how hot it is. Our inside temperature for my house is like 84 during the day...
She spreads nothing but hate, I agree the quicker she is out the better we are and we can move forward.
Can EG make top 2 still?
Porcelain Lux, I don't play support or mid bit good skin none the less.
I had a great email inbox, organized with tags, was able to read every email daily. Then I got married and my fucking wife used my email address for stupid shit at random stores and now it's all spam.
Gore and Eclipse are for different things IMHO
Yup, iirc there were more dodges in ARAM because people didn't get a champ they wanted and they wanted to make a more punishing dodge timer.
I do think dodging in ranked should be the same as ARAM but I think it's in a better place then what it was a couple years ago.
Big thing I took away from this patch is Aatrox is coming back in a big way. Currently he is kind of forced to go Eclipse or other wonky builds. With these changes he should be able to go back to Goredrinker and be a menace.
This roster needs to be blown up. Very 1 dimensional, only 1 threat, Closer looks terrible (normally does during the season but this is meh).
Really banger game, Insanity v APA was fun to watch.
Berserker showing he is the best ADC in NA with that Ashe performance. Reventon is fine for this team comp but I feel there may have been better picks on the board.
The beauty gets old when the political climate down here is so chaotic and the heat is scorching.