
joined 9 months ago
[–] [email protected] 17 points 8 months ago

Sigh. Not a single mention. Do y'all ever feel like your secret CCP VR Brainwashing Milker Project [CW:secret CCP VR Brainwashing Milker Project] isn't getting the respect it deserves?

[–] [email protected] 21 points 8 months ago

We're gonna get every last horny bastard out there. im-doing-my-part

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago

It's my ( [email protected] ) weekend project, I try to make at least some progress worth talking about. Plus, I've noticed these devlogs give me a way of working my thoughts out. Also, I hope everyone finds it as funny as I do.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Pinging people who have previously expressed interest. Please let me know if you'd like to be included or removed from the list in the future.

@[email protected] @[email protected]

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago

Unity, unfortunately. If it gets any sort of traction I'll remake it in godot in the future, but I've sunk too much time and energy into it to switch engines when I'm this close to finally having something releasable.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 8 months ago

Today I'll probably add another timer before I close things up so that it switches back to the quiz mode after 30 seconds or something.

Done. I've now got it cycling cleanly back and forth between the quiz and stroke mode. duck-dance

[–] [email protected] 5 points 8 months ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 33 points 8 months ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 31 points 8 months ago

Geez, I really have get my ass in gear on my VR Milking game {cw: probably NSFW} or Activision is gonna beat me to the punch with their next Call of Duty.


Hello, fellow Tankies! Welcome back to my continuing adventure of building a lewd VR communist brainwashing experience for Jordan Peterson and his incel masses as per Xi's personal instructions.

Last weekend I finished up the answer selection solution by using the thumbstick to select the diagonal direction and activating a radial slider that corresponds to the answer of that direction. It gives the user a few seconds before locking in the answer. Major props to @[email protected] for putting the radial menu of other games in my head and putting me down that path.

I actually had to take apart my Quest 2 Controller to clean the thumbstick as it was sticking so bad that it just got stuck in Down/Right for a while. Cleaning worked but I've lost the touch sensitivity of where your thumb is supposed to rest. I can't think of a time I've actually used that function, that wasn't just novelty, so it can wait for a while before I take it apart again.

Yesterday, I hammered out version 1 of Question serving and Answer handling. As the video shows it now tells you if your answer is right or wrong and then serves up a new question. I've only got handful of questions so far which is why sometimes it looks like the question hasn't changed in the video. I've also made it so the answer is randomly assigned to one of the four answer spots with the wrong answers filled in to the empty spaces afterwards. None of this is set in stone, especially not the graphics or timing or anything, but I just want to get everything working enough for prototyping a full alpha version.

In version 1 of the Quiz minigame I'm not doing any weighting or behind the scenes algorithms, things are purely going to be served according to Random.Range, but in future versions I am planning on building an algorithm that incorporates techniques similar to Duolingo and other learning apps to better encode the brainwashing. stalin-approval

Today I'm gonna clean things up a bit and get the audio manager working so next week I can figure out how best to implement the HIIT style rounds of alternating quiz/lewd stimulation. I may make a NSFW post over in askchapo to see if folks have better ideas than what I'm currently playing around with. I figured this post was clean enough that it didn't need NSFW tagging, but if it does, just let me know, mods.

Previous NSFW post on the app for anyone curious:

spoiler[CW:LEWD JordanPetersonFantasy brought to life] The frustrations of working with VR. Expectations vs Reality


So I'm doing a VR experience and today I'm working on using the thumbsticks of the quest controller more like a gamepad to control selection of a UI menu for a trivia game that's going to be in the experience.

Now Unity returns the thumbstick via a Vector2, easy enough. I literally sketch out an XY graph, figure there's a threshold I need to account for for each direction, a much smaller threshold that we can ignore for each plus and minus on the other vector, and if the Vector2 meets all my criteria I can fire off my functions for the direction. So for UP my code looks something like

if(Vector.Y > pressthreshold and (Vector.X < threshold and Vector.X < -threshold){ Print(up!)}

And then I did that for each direction... And it kinda worked. But it was wonky as hell because my quest is old and the thumbsticks drift. So I spent like an hour and a half trying to find just the right thresholds and it just did not want to be consistent...

So I figured I'd ask chatgpt. And it basically spits out: Just take the absolute value of your X and Y and whichever one is bigger is your plane, and then the positive or negative of the value determines your direction.


I am in shambles. I have once again overcomplicated the simplest freaking thing.

TLDR: My brain is pudding. Just had to vent. doomer

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