I’ve been or Reddit for years. recently got a ban because I commented on a post on r/pics, but apparently since I had commented in a subreddit they disagreed with I was permanently banned from their community. I asked what post and and was told I’m now muted for 28 days. All done by bots.
I forgot about it and carried on, but one day about 20 days later I commented with a different account on another r/pics post. Suddenly both accounts are now blocked from Reddit for 7 days.
Well fuck em, I deleted that app. When bots can get you banned, for not even saying anything wrong, just because you commented on another subreddit that whole site is fucked and going to hell.
Happy to be here and hopefully we can not deal with the same ban hammer style bs that Reddit is doing.
I’m here because r/pics bots are assholes and mods don’t reply to asking why they banned you, the auto ban says I was banned because at some point in my many years I commented on a subreddit they didn’t like. I carried on just fine, but when I was browsing one day with a different account I commented on another r/pics post and now both accounts are banned for 7 days for ban evasion. The bots still never told me what to do about it to fix it and they denied my appeal, so fuck em.
Deleted that app, and all my other social media apps, Facebook, instagram, x, Reddit, threads, etc. im tired of arguing with all the bots. But I need something to still be able to scroll, so here I am.