"Seems like throwing Biden under the bus is the only move they have left in that situation. You all of a sudden discover that Biden has a lot of business dealings in Ukraine, that he may be compromised, and that he has a big conflict of interest running the war. Blame it all on him and hope you can distance the party from the debacle somehow."
Oh no they've already hopped in with biden in the long run, way too much has been invested into this guy. He really is the perfect candidate for a MICIMATT puppet, he'll stay in as long as it takes, even if it harms long-term planning. Trump is also out of the picture, he'll not win or even run in the elections, that's guaranteed.
Ukraine is another dozzy for the establishment but ultimately they'll stick with ukraine until its invertible demise, from then I don't know what will happen, my hopeful guess is the yanks get their arse kicked out of the region for good, and peace will be signed. Ukraine will still be slave to western corporations and NGOs, but no military bases will be on its soil.
"The real question whom the dems will float as a replacement since they don’t have a single candidate that’s known or liked at this point. Perhaps they try to pump up Newsom?"
Good question, no one knows, even the establishment doesn't know, and I have a feeling in the future politicians wouldn't want to be presidents, since there's nothing but humiliation and defeat in store for the yanks, being the president will just make you the fall guy, since all power is behind the throne anyway, who even wants to be in the spotlight?
Blackrock invests primarily in the private sector, things like evergrande, the property speculation market, and the luxury brand sector, it's one of reasons why China isn't bailing out property companies like Evergrande, since BlackRock has deep investment in these speculator companies. The hope is that these companies will declare bankruptcy so that the Chinese government can nationalise them for greater public use, another fault I hope china corrects soon.