Killing Pregnant Teenagers is EXACTLY how we SAVE THE CHILDREN! PRO LIFE!
After reading this I'm SUPER HAPPY that Elon Musk will get a GOVERNMENT ROLE EFFECTING ALL OF OUR LIVES if Trump wins! Elon Musk OBVIOUSLY cares about Honesty and the Working Class!
Why would this be Happening if MAGA was Pro Women like they say?
Good! As a Republican I'm EXTREMELY HAPPY that THIS WOMAN will be using the same Bathroom as my Daughters!
Pissing off HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of Pennsylvania Voters a Week before the Election is PROOF that if DONALD TRUMP Doesn't Win Pennsylvania there's VOTER FRAUD!
It's a GOOD THING our Justice Department gave out HUGE Consequences for LAST January 6th to Deter this kind of Behavior!
It's a Good Thing the man who paid people $1MILLION Illegally won't have a Government Role if Trump wins to Squash any Federal lawsuits! That would be SO VERY Corrupt even REPUBLICANS would see through it!
It's a Good Thing Merrick Garland is on the case and WON'T allow anything Bad to happen!
Good! Even though Last Year Literally NONE of his Lawsuits went Forward because there wasn't Evidence and then earlier This Year Trump admitted he lost in 2020 I KNOW this year he's going to be RIGHT!
And now he's HAMAS and must Die before he Kills the People who Murdered his Mom!
Leaving Children without a Mother while also killing the Fetus is called being PRO LIFE and PROTECTING THE CHILDREN!
Demons LOVE the Bible so this makes PERFECT Sense!