
joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 10 points 8 months ago (4 children)

I'm being forced to watch "True Blood" (in the middle of S1 atm) against my will and this reminds me of that. Some of the way vampires are discriminated against seem to be metaphors or based on actual discrimination real minorities face (Antisemitism, PoC, LGBT, etc.). It seems like a "let's do a fictional minority that's discriminated against, except the violent/satanic/predator stereotypes are actually true". I don't know what direction they're about to go into, so it comes across as problematic. I'm curious what kind of principled hardline theory some of the brainpilled leftists have to say about this.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago

If you like civ5, unciv is great, but also consider that it’s open source and the tail end of the game/features may not be implemented yet.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago (1 children)

except the games released during the 98/XP/Vista/7 period, those still have compatibility shenanigans with windows 10.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago (1 children)

can you please give me an example of an intermediate config task that's significantly easier on windows than linux?

I feel like it's the kind of thing that use to be true. I think it's easier to edit a a text file in linux and run the restart service command in terminal than it is to wander through window's new maximum white-space electron GUIs and hope what you're looking for isn't removed in windows 10 or doesn't get reset back to default on next update.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 10 months ago

these days, if a game doesn't run on linux, I don't bother buying it lol

[–] [email protected] 10 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Most people have a valid excuse, like their one really important software or favorite hentai game doesn't work under wine. For example, I wanted to buy a specific android tablet, but a small number of cool exclusive features are windows only, which is annoying af. Do I subject myself to full-time popups, nagware, random restarts, fake restarts, etc. of windows, do I dual-boot and have to restart my computer for weird context switching, do I own 2 computers, or shall I forgo that one one cool software/feature?

If you're thinking you'd really like a minimalist, classic desktop experience, like say a windows 98 vibe but also frugal on your GPU/RAM/CPU stuff, I heavily recommend the MATE with brisk-menu installed.

The most beginner friendly version of think is the official ISO.

Personally, I prefer debian for servers, and Garuda (arch) for desktops/laptops. Garuda has a lot of desktop environment options, I use the Garuda MATE ISO. Garuda does a lot of hand-holding for you in general, but also has a lot of gamer specific things.

Another thing, I like using my computer to actually do things. I don't think dicking around for hours/days because some random thing (your OS, or drivers, to be specific) doesn't work by default is fun or interesting. It's something most linux evangelists seem to not understand about normal people, and when normal people use windows, the network effect usually forces windows on me somehow. Ubuntu MATE and Garuda MATE have been pretty good about "just working". Your luck on brand new/obscure hardware laptops is going to be tested.