Republicans gave up on the Cheneys and Bushes. They're voting Trump for a reason.
More like people don't want more neoliberal foreign policy.
Colonialism brought more than just beef.
It's a start.
I don't trust you.
So we need to put up with high crime rates, disharmony, and paying taxes for welfare recipients, because my ancestor was an immigrant? Let me think about it… No. If my ancestor felt like he had to emigrate, he, or she did so, because they wanted to leave that country, not bring that country with them.
Is Sweden better off with immigrants, yes, or no? The answer is no, and the Swedish voter lives in a state that is worse due to unfettered immigration, than without it. This is the same sentiment across Europe that is bringing the “far right” into government, or closer to government. Now you can be emotional about it, or you can be reasonable about it. Do I want to walk the street safely, or do I feel good about supporting diversity, because that is what I think is a good? You think rich people put up with this? They live separately in their own world. The politicians don't put up with it. Not your elites, at least. For the Swedes, their open-minded idealism backfired. The immigrants, they openly greeted into their country, are not so open-minded.
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The problem is you can't tell which large breed of dog is dangerous, and that is why people get attacked and killed. In general, people are not responsible for their dogs, and let them roam around the neighborhood. For a pedestrian walking in the sidewalk, they are a nuisance, and potentially dangerous. In situations where society is not up to par in responsible ownership, the city, or state should step in, and address the issue as the consequence of the deficit. I know a pit bull breed that is a nice dog, but if that dog is let loose in the streets, she will bite people. Ultimately, because of this issue, the question is, do we need big powerful animals as pets?
Beef is expensive because of the drought. Remember climate change?
When there is a drought, there is less water for cows, and grass feed. When there is less food and water for cows, they can't survive. Which leads to number 2.
When cows don't thrive, their numbers drop. That means less beef that can be sold in volume. Which leads to number 3.
When there is less beef to make profits from, then prices must increase to maintain the survivability of ranchers and the beef industry, as well as demand putting pressures on a smaller supply.
Causation: noun — the action of causing something.
This lawsuit reminds me of the ignorant customer who feels the beef industry is scrounging them. McDonald's needs to pay their workers 50 dollars an hour.
US port strike disrupts hamburger supplies, frozen seafood | Reuters
Israel is not a liberal democracy. The “State of Israel” is an ethnic-state. That was the purpose since the beginning. People can assume it is a liberal democracy, then those people would lack common sense. Israel is a country for the Jews to control. An ethnocracy can be totally secular and not be religious. The article uses Western terms that does not fully capture the mindset. The Israeli elites are not ultra-orthodox. If the Israeli lobby is any indication, these Israelis who are moving due to security situation, are still partial to the state of Israel. The state of Israel is one of those priorities that many Jews, even non-Jews, think is important. And that is why Israel has such a powerful lobby within the US. It is basically the 51st state of the US while being autonomous. A liberal democracy is equality under the law and suffrage for all. Israel isn't that, and if these people value liberal democracy over the ethnic homeland, there are plenty of Western countries for that.
It didn't fix the problem. All it did was create more courts to hear the unauthorized immigrants case. Plus, it was tied to Ukraine funding.