الموت الوهابية والموت السلفية !!!
מונג'אס שוקור חבר ! 😊👍🏼
Meaning : Thank you very much comrade .
“ !אני לא מבין את המילים ‘פ’אב’לה ב’וס’,.”
“פ’אב’לה ב’וס”
Meaning : do you speak ?
My language is written in Hebrew letters .
איל לשון די מי ג'ינטי סי איסקריב'י אין ליטראס אין עברית .
Meaning : The language of my people is written in Hebrew letters .
For example :
Ivrit letters : קי חאביר ?
Roman letters : ke haber ?
Meaning : What's new ? Or How are you ?
I can understand you a bit ☺️
I can't speak lashon ivrit very well , but I'm studying it .
פ'אב'לה ב'וס איל לשון לאדינו ?
Nice to meet you 😁🤝🏼
יפה אמרת , חבר אהוב . 👍🏼
שחררו את פלסטין !!! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
מות לציוני !!!
From the River To The Sea , Palestine Will Be Free !!! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
שלום די פארטי די און ג'ודיו ספרדי 👋🏼
Kar khub basiyar dar justju , rafiq azizam 😌👍🏼
Marg bar Rejim Sahiyunisti !!!
Zendebad Falestin !!! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
Jew here ( not amerikkkan by the way , just your Sephardic neighbor ) .
I can say with all do respect and with full confidence that I never had any negative impressions of arabs in my life . Arabs are the most beautiful , lovely , kind and friendly people I have ever met in my life . They are very humble and nice and from what I have seen from them is that they are very respectful people . ☺️
Death to The Zionist Regime !!!
Hey dear comrade .
Please with all due respects , can you please mark this as not safe for work ?
Thank you . 🙏🏼