I'm still not truly convinced it's not some kind of meme/ weird in-joke that I just don't get. Like, that just seems so obviously unsanitary and with no obvious appeal that I just cannot accept that it can be something that more than a extremely tiny fraction of people actually do
Manual curation of great Lemmy discussions and threads
Kissing is similarly gross if you think about it.
Read the comment, it's talked about by the nurse
They only really covered STIs. But there's a huge range of things in your mouth. Colds and flus are big ones obviously. But also things like mono etc.
Any exchange of fluids is a risk. Just have to be as clean as possible and choose your partners well.
I dated a girl for a bit who really, really loved having her ass eaten and vice versa so... I don't think it is. I'm pretty sure my distaste for it was a factor in her calling things off.
I feel the exact same way.
I don't know anyone who beats about it IRL, and I couldn't think of a bigger turnoff.
I'm sure it happens, but it's gotta be a very very small percentage of people.
It's definitely not a meme. About half my partners have wanted it done to them, wanted to do it to me, or both. It's feels good.
...how common are worms in humans?
Yeah, fuck, it's written like every second person has worms.
Sampling bias of being around literal assholes all the time, for one. Second, nearly every animal not being or under the care of a human has parasitic whatevers. Not a question of if they have them, but what kind.
For them, they probably do. The nurse said that their job included it, and most healthcare people who are having to go hands-on with a patient for cleaning purposes aren't doing it for fun, but because the person needed it.
You don't travel to third world countries to eat rural villager ass?
@[email protected] thanks for the incredible write up!
Glad you enjoyed my ass... writing
Lmfao, just a nurse chiming in to say I appreciate the shit out of you. Pun intended
I have to ask- is eating pussy or licking balls really more sanitary? If buttcheeks are problematic for bacterial regrowth, surely an asshole (less likely to be freshly cleaned at that) an inch away from the thing you’re licking is also a source for that.
Define sanitary.
No body to body contact is truly sanitary in the strictest sense.
And, you're absolutely right that the proximity of the anus to the genitalia means there will be at least occasional stray bacteria reaching said genitalia.
However, because the non-STD bacteria that are the biggest risk with eating ass aren't as well equipped to last on the balls or vulva, and the vagina itself is moderately acidic, the risk of e-coli getting into your mouth in enough quantity and being alive enough to get past your immune system is lower than with direct analingus/rimming.
The butt cheeks are also a much lower risk, but all of the area is a non-zero risk without serious efforts akin to surgical scrubbing. Even that is only temporary.
E-coli can indeed be found in the vagina, on the vulvae, and on the scrotum. That's one of the reasons that you should always use a barrier during sexual contact. Even if you know someone is STD free, you have to be prepared for the inevitable cross contamination. If you're with a partner long term, that's inevitable, so you might as well just get it over with, but for short term or single encounter partners? Dental dams and condoms are cheaper than antibiotics.
Oh god I have been using the flat part of my tongue.
Gotta use the tip more. Not because of any risk, but because you get the job done better. You don't really lick when you're eating pussy, at least not for the entire thing. It's all about movement and suction being used in a steady, repeatable way, with just enough variation to keep it from becoming over-stimulating.
Even when you're working the clitoris while applying suction, you don't really use the flat of the tongue. You just use the first inch or so, the way you might if you were drinking from it.
Mind you, every woman is different, so there's no single "recipe" of what's going to work best, but most women tend to enjoy a ramping up of speed, pressure, and suction as they process through the arousal cycle. If you're licking with the flat of your tongue, it's really only going to work well in the very beginning, as a break for your mouth, or as a break for them between orgasms.
Using a barrier does make good technique harder, particularly with suction. But it can be done. And, tbh, if you're with a one night or other very short term partner, good enough is good enough. So you use the barrier and make up for it by being willing to keep going lol.
Link seems broken/incorrect, all I get when I click it is "Server error"
The assumption that you're not making any contact with fecal material if you're not eating ass is fallacious to begin with. There's a certain point where you just gotta realize you have an immune system for a reason.
Wow, that was one seriously risky click. Completely lost my appetite for lunch, and that was after skipping breakfast because I was rushed this morning.
Goddammit, I hope this hasn’t killed supper for me as well.
Where does it say anyone in this meme is a career nursing assistant? Did I miss that part or are we making shit up as usual?
It's not in the meme. The link should take you to a specific comment that is by a career nursing assistant.
Edit: here's a Direct link