For all things Futurama
Rule 1: Don't be a jerkwad!
Rule 2: Alternate video links to be linked in a comment, below the original video.
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I feel very out of the loop. What are Hollywood doing?
They're trying to fire all the talent that made them rich so they can use AI to find out firsthand that creating content takes talent. Meanwhile all the talent will join creative co-ops and replace Hollywood. Big platforms will side with Hollywood and AI and also fail. The fediverse will eat them all. Muhaha I'm being simplistic...
My bad understanding is that Hollywood was giving actors contracts where they would own your likeness forever. They want to make 3D models of actors they could use in future projects without the actors consent. Effectively not needing to hire actors because they could use past 3D models.
If anyone has more info please correct me.
I was under the impression the main reason for the strike was something about streaming residuals
It's both.
Lol, amazing!
That's such a lazy meme. The original image had everything you needed to change the text and keep it the original font.