You've got this!
LoseIt: Lose the Fat
A community for weight-loss, primarily by means of inducing a caloric deficit.
Best of luck on your journey. Its good that you don't have to do it entirely alone but have support by your Doctor and of course this community!
This reads like a post of someone has already succeeded. Commitment sounds very strong. The rest is a question of time. I believe in you!
Thanks 😁
Hey, do you mind if I ask you how you are doing regards of your goal?
Oh damn thanks for asking. I worked hard and lost around 18 pounds in 2 months, then I ran out of the medication and ate poorly for a month and gained 5 or so back.
I had trouble getting back to the doctor so she could check my blood pressure and re-up the prescription but finally did yesterday and I’m back on track. Not sure where you’re from but getting a doctors appointment the same century is difficult in America.
How are things going for you? Any success this year?
Oh wow! 13pounds is a great start in only 3 months. Good luck in the future!
I am not trying to lose... I wanna gain weight. I was just passing by when I saw your original post and yeah I want to support you. But if we talk generally, life is going great, I can't talk about what but beside a break up, life is good!