communists have a coherent vision for how to defeat the system: by advancing history’s development to the next stage
Just gonna be candid here. This is not true. We have no coherent vision for decisively challenging the US. Our comrades in the PRC might have something close to a coherent vision that is being developed through cooperation with others in other countries. But us in the US are pretty lost.
Also, and hopefully this isnt too out of left field, but imo these writers gotta think more criticality about these ideas about progressive linear history. It must be pretty convenient to be a prophet of the coming age but it basically serves as apologetics for genocide, not to mention it can serve to actually advance capital by effectively enforcing primative accumulation. This is how the US Empire was built and its how global capitalism reproduces.
I don't see how it's a way forward to building solidarity between proletarians, peasants, Indigenous peoples etc. - which I think is absolutely and fundamentally necessary - by forcing a eurocentric veiw of progress that has destroyed so much already. If we treat this as a zero sum game of proletarian purity and supremacy just to justify our own proletarianization then we alienate other sections of the masses, needlessly make other class enemies, and even strengthen capital.