As a dude with long hair I think it's cool. I never really think about hair length as having any inherent gendered implication.
Game Development
they look great to me
The sprites look cute
Why not then have the long hair as the only option? It's not like guys can't have long hair too.
That would've been the play if I didn't already release the game with this sprite in place. If I do it now, I'd be taking something away, and that feels bad.
I guess there really isn't much alternatives then. Considering that you don't want to mess with the sprites silhouette, I think what you have shown is good enough.
Kor blimey
many people are saying this
It's true folks
Can you make one with like huge Medusa snaky hair covering the head-fins?
Probably not without changing the silhouette of the sprite! Which I'm trying to avoid because it'll mess with other elements of the game. Otherwise I'd be tempted to go a little nuts with character customization.
i'd definitely pick one from the top row personally, so fwiw i say yes good work!
Awesome, thank you!
A/B-ing with my finger over each row, it's possible that the narrow strip on top of the heads seemed like shaved or closely buzzed haircuts. That could be why the sprites were being gendered...
Anyway, I don't have any experience with your project until now but I do like the new versions. Congrats and kudos for listening to your audience!
Oh yeah, I can absolutely see why the sprite is getting identified as male. It's a failure on my behalf for not making sure the sprite was more neutral. I did do an edit very deep into development, right before releasing, but at that point I was so tired of working on it that I didn't want to go back and edit all the things I'd have to change for it. I'm a little rejuvenated now though, so I can handle it!
Thank you!