This is... a very specific kink.
New Communities
A place to post new communities all over Lemmy for discovery and promotion.
The rules may be more established as time goes on, but it's important to have a foundation to work on.
1. Follow the rules of - These rules are the same as's rules, which can be found here.
2. Include a community title and description in your post title. - A following example of this would be New Communities - A place to post new communities all over Lemmy for discovery and promotion.
3. Follow the formatting. - The formatting as included below is important for people getting universal links across Lemmy as easily as possible.
Please include this following format in your post:
[link text](/c/[email protected])
This provides a link that should work across instances, but in some cases it won't
You should also include either:
Q: Why do I get a 404?
A: At least one user in an instance needs to search for a community before it gets fetched. Searching for the community will bring it into the instance and it will fetch a few of the most recent posts without comments. If a user is subscribed to a community, then all of the future posts and interactions are now in-sync.
Q: When I try to create a post, the circle just spins forever. Why is that?
A: This is a current known issue with large communities. Sometimes it does get posted, but just continues spinning, but sometimes it doesn't get posted and continues spinning. If it doesn't actually get posted, the best thing to do is try later. However, only some people seem to be having this problem at the moment.
Image Attribution:
Fahmi, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
You just need to beekeep
Finally some assets I can get bee-hind!
Nice. This is the sort of esoteric stuff that made me like Reddit.
This just unlocked something beautiful inside me that I didn't know that I had - a bee ass fetish apparently
Hello bees!
99% sure that’s a fly mimicking a bee, not a real bee. Bees have 4 wings and tuck them in when at rest.
That makes this fetish even weirder.
Wow, I didn't know flies did that! I think it is a bee though, it wasn't really at rest when I took that, it was getting ready to take off. If you zoom in you can see at the base of the left wing that there are two attachments, I think the wings are just over lapping in an almost open position. I'm very impressed if it is a fly though, that's a good bee costume!
Heres one I found that looks similar:
There are quite a few different ones out there across the globe. Pretty interesting.
Wow! That is very neat! I had no idea. That does appear to be a flower fly. I was thinking of changing the icon photo anyway as some pretty phenomenal bee butts have been posted already today, I guess this is a good reason as well.
Heads up, the last link in your post has an extra .com
Oh, thank you! I wasn't sure on the formatting there, I guess ".world" is the ".com" in this situation.
Hmm... it's still not a link, what did I do wrong?
I am not toooooooo sure; I'm not familiar with lemmy myself. You could try adding the scheme before it, so: or perhaps go about it the long way with url linking [](
Ah, that did it, thank you!!
Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn't work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]