It will inspire violent opposition from drivers, as usual
Not Just Bikes
An attempt to recreate the /r/NotJustBikes community on Lemmy. I'm just reserving the Community Name, other folks (for instance the /r/NotJustBikes mods?) are welcome to take over.
NOTE: This sublemmy (?) is in no way related to or affiliated with NotJustBikes, Jason Slaughter, etc.
1. Be nice. Please.
I know it's the internet, but be nice. And report trolls & spammers.
2. No memes
No memes, image macros, or low-effort posts. These are easily upvoted, but they pollute the subreddit very quickly.
3. Stay on topic
Try to stick to posts and comments related to the themes of NJB videos, or content creation. Things like urban planning, mobility & transportation, social equity, Dutch culture, etc..
4. No Trolling
Go troll somewhere else. We don't need that shit here.
5. No comment screenshots
Please don't post screenshots of stupid comments as a post. We all know there are ignorant morons online, we don't need to bring even more attention to their stupid comments.
6. No vehicular cycling
I have no patience for advocates of vehicular cycling. You can talk about vehicular cycling, but if you promote it as an alternative to safe bike infrastructure, I will ban you. You can post that crap somewhere else.
7. No people being hit by cars/road violence
Do not show videos or pictures of people being hit by cars, or other road violence. We don't need to see that shit. We know cars are dangerous, and many people have bad memories of car crashes. Keep it out of this subreddit.
8. No tone policing
We don't need any more tone police. If you don't like the tone that Not Just Bike takes in his videos, there's a very easy solution: stop watching them.
9. No internet drama
Don't spread or promote drama over what has happened on the Internet. You're spending too much time online: go touch grass.
Are they going to toot their horns and create traffic?
Park on the sidewalk, even.
Shit, better give them free parking, then /s
Why is there a huge influx of big American trucks in the Netherlands? It is visible that the last year or so it has increased significantly the number of those trucks around here... It would be great for a tax like that to be introduced in the Netherlands too
I was in Paris last winter and say a PT Cruiser parked a block from Notre Dame. Kinda related but wanted to share.
other countries were cursed with the pt cruiser?
Someone paid massive import duties to get it there.
But PT Cruisers exist and are relatively common in Europe? I know someone who has one, paid a whole 4 grand for it.
They should be focusing on crossovers specifically. Proper SUVs have some use at least, but crossovers are just the epitome of what's wrong with cars.
Crossovers are the size of a sedan just a little bit taller. They are generally on the same platform as the sedans just with a different body. I don’t see how crossovers are the problem…it’s big ass trucks and SUV’s
Why not both?
Proper SUVs have some use at least
Like the ability to pull large trailers and go offroad.
Crossovers don't do anything better than the cars they are based on, they just have worse visibility, handling and economics for no reason.
I completely agree, tax these pointlessly heavy and large vehicles into oblivion.