My opinion:
I think this community should ban political memes, and instead have another community for only political memes. I'm from Costa Rica and I don't care about the USA politics or stuff
My opinion:
I think this community should ban political memes, and instead have another community for only political memes. I'm from Costa Rica and I don't care about the USA politics or stuff
I am also from the 97 fuckin percent of every human on the planet that couldn't give a shit about US politics
Right? It’s such a US way of thinking to assume the entire world needs to hear about your issues.
You don't really get that by banning a topic, but rather by fostering a culture where that sort of thing is frowned upon.
No, that's not what they mean.
Seriously, OP is straw-manning. There's not this much politics on other sites. Lemmy has a ton of tankies so everything is about communism here
I reject this! This sounds edgy but muddies the water and distracts as to recognize what politics is. Politics is everything regarding decision-making in groups! not more not less. Recognize when that's the case and fight!
Isn't there literally a community called politicalmemes because people wanted to sort these into another place?
At this point you're not even posting to be funny, you're just posting to be annoying.
some would even consider it not only annoying, but spamming as well
That's for people who want only political memes. Someone should start an "apoliticalmemes" group.
"Everything is political" shares the same vibes:
I agree. It’s like sometimes you just want to go for a walk and there’s some guy following you around screaming EvErYtHiNg Is PhYsIcS just to remind you that there are physical laws to explain the world around you. Just shut up and let me walk in peace sometimes.
You're very fortunate that you can take the time to ignore those politics. For many people, these issues affect them to such an extent that they can't be ignored at all. As for the amount of memes challenging the status quo here... well... if you're on Lemmy, the status quo didn't work for you either.
What has their constant fixation on these problems achieved? I have problems that affect me every day, I can still fuck around on the internet or whatever for a while and get my mind off it. Constantly immersing yourself in this stuff is not healthy.
Even chosen linux distro?
I work in the government and let me tell you: Yes
I was once up in some reddit thread during the George Floyd protests/defunding the police, and some dipshit had the lack of education to earnestly say "since when is the police a political issue?"
My dude. They share a the same root word.
literally everything is politics
how is nitrogen atom nr. 14729583929174 political?
Becauses a scientist says it exists and that made God cry so we gotta burn him.
At least pick a noble gas
While I do agree that most things in life are somehow connected to politics and that it needs to be discussed, when I come somewhere, in real life or online, and I want to chill out, I really don't want to hear about it. Political communities exist, even here on Lemmy. Let's keep politics out of cooking, meme, and other not politically oriented communities please :)
I once got warned in a discord server for being political. Brought up that everything was politics and they backed off.
About a week later I got hints that they might be a bit of a nazi bar which was confirmed when I called it out.
Alright then:
breathes deep
The toilet paper is supposed to point away from you.
Are bodily functions political? Is breathing political? Lol
not only political but also a jojos reference
"Not everything is political"
"I am priveledged enough that my right to exist and thrive is never questioned or under fire, and things that I care about are protected by the status quo and the suppression of others"
I exist in several categories of people who’s right to exist have been threatened many, many times throughout history, I agree that everything is political, or rather, that politics encompasses everything.
However, not every discussion should become politically oriented, as it’s not particularly the most productive in many cases. This is most prominent on the internet, where nuance, which is ESSENTIAL for productive political discourse, is often absent. I find much political discussion. This is especially true in dialogues where it is either discussed on a broad scale, or where it is discussed in a reactionary manner. When my answers to political topics are so often “it depends”, this stuff tends to be quite straining, especially when my attempts to create dialogue are shot down.
In short “not everything is political” exists because you’re either detailing a discussion to talk about how horrible everything is, or you’re on the internet and internet politics just suck.