This timeline depresses me
The Andromedus Galacticus Collection
This is a personal collection of things I find around the internet.
Alright, so somehow you found this place. Here's what to expect:
- Posts will be random; there are absolutely no themes here.
- Posts may be overwhelmingly frequent (sorry about your sub feed).
- Posts may be unbearably infrequent; you may forget you subscribed here.
- Posts may be oh, so very boring to you.
Due to the nature of this place, you may find a bunch of stuff that you don't care about, but you may also find a new passion.
So, the gist is, this is a place where I'll share random things, and you'll discover the internet with me.
Oh yeah, I didn't advertise this place anywhere, so hey, how did you even get here?
Check out the sister sub where you discover music with me! [email protected]
I'm honestly just surprised at what people are making money on these days. Also, on what people manage to spend money on these days.
I don't think it's any big secret that modern art is basically a huge money laundering scheme.
What is this… a bag for ANTS!
Reminds of that Netflix show where to avoid cost of living increases, everyone gets shrunk so they consume less.
Except, arguably, this consumes more.
I could fit my life's savings in that bag.
I could fit all my crypto gains inside what’s left