things like this are why anyone saying the right wing is fiscally responsible should be laughed out of the room
They have never done anything since Regan that would point to them being fiscally responsible. They have always bestowed against the welfare of the future
"Republicans are fiscally responsible" = "You eat seven spiders every year in your sleep"
It's just something people will keep repeating until the end of time because they don't have anything important to say.
Fiscally Responsible George, who does 86400 fiscally responsibles a day, is an outlier and should not have been included in the data set.
I seem to recall hearing Trump officials/project2025 sorts say they wanted to do away with income tax, replace it with tariffs. So, I mean, the IRS falling apart and not being able to collect income tax is sorta... on the roadmap, isnt it? Like issuing this warning is prolly just gonna be taken as a goal milestone achieved on the plan.... ??
Replace with tariffs? This clown has no idea how anything works.
Coolidge-ism cannot fail. It can only be failed.
Gutting the federal budget takes us several big steps closer to the Thiel/Yarvin/Srinivasan envisioned Network State. Tiny autocratic techno-feudal cities that rule the surrounding territory in the same way Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, the Sinai Peninsula, and east Iraq are controlled from Tel Aviv. We're going to balkinize America, folks.
Sure but they're also stupid meaning five minutes after they will realize why income tax was adopted. Tariffs were becoming inefficient by the time of the civil war let alone now.
And loss of trust / stability of the government makes the tech industry's push for corporate controlled 'freedom cities' much easier to get agreement on, allowing America's rich oligarchs to quite literally establish their own baronies ;P
There's a reason why company towns were being abandoned even before they were outlawed, that being excessive violence. The key feature of these dweebs is a notable lack of historical understanding. Also a decaying empire is basically the only thing backing their wealth bravo dipshits ya played thine selves, seriously most of this shit will be taught in the successor states of the US not to dissimilar to how the failures of the Soviet Union are taught in former eastern bloc countries.
no taxation without representation.
Except taxes are still taken out of wages, filing or no
So what’s the point of this dance we do every year where the govt is coyly asking us to guess how much we owe or are owed?
To give hrblock a cut of your money
Civilized countries skip that bullshit and you only need to fill taxes if you disagree with the statement they sent you
tax filing companies intentionally lobbied against any kind of centralized filing, it helps billionaires too.
to give TURBOTAX AND h&r block some of the money. turbo tax heavily spammed one of my emails ever since he won, when before they barely sent any kind of emails.
Selling TurboTax subscriptions
How much of this is because of America's new found love of famous tax dodgers they put into the government? So they think that trump is their new best friend, and if their best friends dont pay taxes, why should they?
I filed mine mostly because I knew I was going to be getting a refund. I wanted to make sure that I got that money before the IRS was completely fucked. This may be the last year that I purposely overestimate my tax burden (e.g. paying more in taxes than I ideally should).
In the past, people would say that you're giving the government an interest-free loan - I didn't really care about that because I knew I would get that money back later. Now? I'm not so sure.
Is everyone thinking they will "just do a tax fraud"?
Well, which of the laid off IRS employees are going to find out?
Some are thinking "I don't want to fund what Elon is doing so let them come and take it"
They can't catch all of us, right?
The tax person I go to every year said everyone is filing for a extensions right now "to see what happens"
Musk: That's $500bn we won't have to spend valuable resources counting, so Boom another win!
So efficient
I am one of those skipping filing to see what happens.
Delay, deny, dispose [of the IRS letters].
I'm taking that money and donating it to local charities and helping people in my community.
seems like the way to do it. funding your community is the right thing to do.
Can't wait for everyone who talks shit about President Musk to get audited. It wasn't their plan but this is absolutely going to be a trap to catch people who resist the nazi takeover.
I haven’t done my taxes yet.