Ah yes the people who ran their video games on DOS are being left behind.
Help son, how do I open this app?!? With my finger???
People tweeting stuff. We allow tweets from anyone.
Ah yes the people who ran their video games on DOS are being left behind.
Help son, how do I open this app?!? With my finger???
I feel both cuddled and attacked
Most of the kids I know who have this attitude would also call IT if they accidentally opened the Command Prompt or BIOS.
I stood in line for VHS tapes. I also know that the blockchain is slow as hell and that cryptocurrency is glorified gambling for people with too much money - and I had a friend in the early 2000s that was trying to make a Bitcoin exchange.
But crypto is borderline useless that consumes more electricity than the entire AI industry while enabling alot of illegal activities and money laundering. I was quite susprised when my drug money found their way into normal people's lives.
The real brain melter was the societal culture shift.
I grew up witnessing "the end of history" with my own eyes. People were getting wiser and kinder year after year, decade after decade. It was like a feedback loop of positive changes, the only way was up.
Then 2010s hit and I'm still processing the 180 degrees shift. I read dozens of books about nazis, authoritarianism, societal memory, cults, fucking roman empire. But I still have cognitive dissonance every time I open news feed.
The real brain melter was the societal culture shift.
I grew up witnessing “the end of history” with my own eyes. People were getting wiser and kinder year after year, decade after decade. It was like a feedback loop of positive changes, the only way was up.
Then 2010s hit and I’m still processing the 180 degrees shift.
Fucking thank you! This has been hard for me to put into words. (I'm on the older end of Gen-X)
Older X'er here - I keep telling my wife - for all the shit we've had to live through, we damn sure better get first contact with ET in our lifetimes too!
Best I can do is AI deepfakes of first contact.
I want to believe
Best I can do is "ET" for the Atari 2600
I still have PTSD about the pits in that game!
Personally I love being part of the evolution of computers. I was born at a time where I could be part of "moderne" or rather "not too nerdy" phase of computers, and to see the whole evolution of electronics and so on. I don't envy the younger generations that kind of skipped to the "end part" (computers being "easy"). I know that a lot of things will still be developed and we are only seeing the first of AI stuff now and VR is also still a minor thing but could evolve into a much bigger thing. Electrification of cars is in full swing. Robots do more and more things by theselves (lawnmowers, vacuums, cars) because the "brain power" in the devices are pushed all the time, enabling more advanced sensors to be taken more advantage of.
A lot of fundamental understanding that's needed to work with technology is being entirely leapfrogged by an entire generation. The zoomers are likely the last generation to have actually needed, in whole or in part, to understand how a technology works before you started using it. The modern era of "it just works!" Does not give me any hope for Gen Alpha to handle any abnormal situation.
IMO, this is a lot like software/hardware vendors. They spend so much effort telling you what something can do, and how to do it (under normal operating conditions), then expend exactly zero time/effort to tell you how to fix anything when things are not operating as they're supposed to.
IMO, the more recent generations are only getting the former experience, whereas most millennials have the latter experience.
What happens when we abstract all of the thinking out of technology, make everything cloud based, then "the cloud" goes out for a day, and the services that make the cloud work, which are in and of themselves governed by the cloud, won't start because the cloud doesn't work.
It's catch 22. You need the cloud to make the networks operate, the cloud won't work until the network is operating.
I hope I can get my kids interested in the technical side of computers. We need people to fix the printers in the future!
Is so crazy to explain people I played games in an spectrum in 1987 back when many didn't knew what a "computer" was in my country cause like less than 10% of the people in my country. And now you put a helmet and you're inside the game!