And... It's over. Democrats retain their perfect record of inadequacy. Anyone expect their to be any consequences whatsoever for the collaborationists within the Democratic party?
50 States, 50 Protests, 1 Movement. | #fiftyfiftyone
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Can I do anything if my state senators are firmly MAGA?
If enough of their constituents express displeasure, they'll know that they have to change their ways to keep their positions.
Depends on where you live. If you're in a deep red state where your Senators won't have to deal with any serious primary challengers or a real general election threat, it may not do any good.
If they won by a slim margin and their state is trending blue/purple, then it might.
It never hurts to do it.
The fact that people have to literally beg for the opposition party to not vote against their interests and support the republicans is just sad.
It appears there are Sixty-two Republican Senators and Rand Paul.