I think I have a the black and white version of that one floating around somewhere.
Everything Garmin.
My dad had one of these for geocaching in the mid-2000’s I think.
I have an eTrex Legend HCx from around the same time. Actually had two but lost one on a trail a couple years ago. The other one the screw for the handelbar mount was ripped out so I had to drill through and put in a bolt though. I have replaced it with a watch, last year ago I bought an instinct 2s solar. It has 19 days of battery life and I top it off when I shower. So I can shower on sunday, skip shower on monday then to do a quick MTB ride tuesday evening and it still has enough battery life to keep going until I shower after the ride.
My dad still uses my eTex 10 for hunting and fishing.
I mostly used it for marking fishing spots on Lake Superior for ice fishing, trolling routes, baitfish schools, potential bow stand spots, and white tail scrape lines.
The only issue I had with it was in the cold. The battery life dropped significantly if leftout in the cold. I'd have to keep it on an inside pocket to keep it warm and running.