I agree for the most part. Maybe I’m just being nostalgic for the 00s, but I appreciated the model where job seekers have freeish access to apply for jobs and hirers had to pay a nominal fee to post jobs.
I worked at mostly small software companies, so we would always use the cheapest options. Even at our scale (where we were transparent about not paying that much), there were so. many. terrible applicants. Exaggerated or make up skills and experience. Clearly don’t read any of the job description. It took a lot of time to sift though them. I can only imagine what the volume of shit applicants was at large companies hiring lots positions.
I get why they resorted to buying all this AI fuckery to try to more aggressively filter resumes. I get why it got shittier for honest job seekers. But it’s a shitty arms race I don’t want to be in. It must be awful for juniors with no experience and no network to try to find a first job now. It was bad enough 20 years ago.