A haunting reminder that rainbow capitalism is 100% about profit and convenience.
Corporations were never your friend. They were never going to defend you.
This is a most excellent place for technology news and articles.
A haunting reminder that rainbow capitalism is 100% about profit and convenience.
Corporations were never your friend. They were never going to defend you.
They were going to defend you for as long as doing so remained profitable.
I like to say that corporations will never go out of their way to be charitable. There's always a bottom line, being it PR or direct profit. Even PR and Marketing spend has to eventually lead to increase in profit.
Or avoid a decrease in profit, which is why you get so many posturing bandwagons which slow down once enough people have forgotten that it won't affect profits anymore, eg all the statements and policy, name, logo etc changes due to BLM in mid-late 2020
I had a management class years ago in college where the professor made the argument that in order to be ethical, every single action a business makes must be done to increase profits for its shareholders.
Charitable donation? Only if it increases public perception in a way to be justified by the cost.
Pay your employees well? Only if paying them less would cause you to lose them to your competitors.
The list goes on. It's a very depressing way to look at the world. But as time goes by, I've realized just how accurate that professor was. Companies don't give a shit about you and will turn on you the second it makes their quarterly numbers look better.
It's not even "rainbow capitalism."
This goes all the way back to women's suffrage and the Civil Rights era.
They didn't start accepting women into the workforce and blacks into the workforce because they saw them as valuable humans just for existing.
They realized they were leaving money on the table. If women had money, they could be marketed products, if blacks had money, they could marketed products. That was "opening up new markets." Hiring them meant they would get paid and have money in their pockets to spend at your business.
Every single group that got attention and understanding was about being able to exploit them for more money. The only color they've ever cared about is the green on their money. This is also why it's been such an uphill battle for anyone disabled, because if you can't maximize your output by absolutely destroying your body and mind for capital: they don't want you.
Further, if you get enough money to do some capitalism yourself and create something like "Black Wall Street" they'll bomb the living fuck out of you to put a stop to it.
They never thought of us as humans, just as "Human Capital Stock." We're just units to be used and discarded like millions of mistreated farm animals every single day.
If you're left leaning and want to send a message, do it with your wallet. Switch to tutanota for mails, search with duckduckgo, use f-droid as an app store... No one needs google, it's just somewhat inconvenient to get used to alternatives
Wallets mean nothing to people and corps with more money than the rest of humanity combined.
The people calling the shots need to be.. Uh...
You live by the sword you die by the sword.
Plug for https://kagi.com/ for those who can afford to pay for search engine. Best search engine experience, love the personalized results where you manually raise and lower specific domains.
Much like the current hullabaloo about the head of ProtonMail being suspect because of his support of Trump, there's a ton of shady shit about Kagi, too. They're Venture Capital funded. What's the deal with the T-shirt company? Why did they lie stupidly about stuff like "we don't do paid advertising... oh wait whoops now we do."
Further, the CEO of Kagi just has that techbro attitude of "You are required to listen to what I have to say."
https://mastodon.social/@[email protected]/112258758788834454
Discussions with Vlad are him telling you his side and expecting you to accept it as the truth and not keep arguing. His goal isn't to discuss, it's to keep talking at you until you agree or go away. HE thinks he discusses with people, but he talks AT people. So I don't feel bad making a blog post and forcing him to be talked at for once (which I never even expected him or that many other people to see it, I'm trying to figure out how many hits I even got rn to see how bad he Streissand'd this).
But yeah I knew that already, and that's why I didn't engage with him. I know what a Vlad conversation is and I wasn't willing to be lectured by the CEO of a company I criticized on my tiny personal blog. Thats an insane proposition. And it's really not even irony--I suspected this is exactly what would happen. I knew that arguing with Vlad would only benefit his own ego, but I knew that bluntly repeating "I will not discuss this with you quit emailing me" will just prove what I already knew, that he does not care what people say (and probably barely reads what they say given that he linked me the same post I already read twice) and that he will do whatever he's driven to do no matter what. The only options were he quits emailing me (great!) or he digs himself in deeper and deeper (great???? idk but it proves a point)
Seriously, his behavior is unhinged.
Yeah, it's essentially a weathervane or thermometer. You can indicate the state of a country by it.
At this point the US has joined the ranks of, well, grim theocracies. Not that the people at the top in the US worship anything but Mammon.
Wow Google's licking boot like there's no tomorrow.
Fucking shameful.
Every time a straight person has wondered why I hate rainbow capitalism, shit like this is why.
"Oh but it moves your kind forward, you should be thankful they support you now!" They only supported us when the government wouldn't take away contracts and people were sure they supported queers.
Same thing for every other company and every other minority. I can at least mask that I'm queer, black people can't mask being black.
God I hate being right about horrible things.
I'm not angry at this point. Just sad.
It's disheartening how quickly everything was washed away.
Google managed to create a very clean image of themselves in most heads, but looking closer it is an ugly profit maximization machine. It cares about shareholders. If it cares about you, then probably for spying on you and learn how to manipulate you and others better. I hope people start realizing finally.
And let's state it clear: Google could have a voice. They could object to the Musk-Thiel-Trumpian destruction machine. They could be there for the world. But they're not. Not at all. They serve the money. And if it pays off, then they are willing to ruin peoples lives.
Google is on the wrong side of history.
Seems like their motto isn’t „don’t be Evil“ anymore for a reason.
It was limiting them. To truly maximize profits they need to strip off all limits. I'm not joking. Really not. This is why capitalism and fascism go so well together.
Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.
We're a long long way from those lofty goals of yesteryear, aren't we Google?
The audacity to still have this quote up, right now, is off the charts.
This is a screenshot from today. Get fucked Google. What a fucking lie. You're busy changing information to capitulate to a government that wants certain information hidden.
It's true though, Google search does make it easy to discover a broad.
This was always going to happen. Companies in Germany when Hitler rose to power didn't protest and speak up against him - they needed to sell his army goods. They made his uniforms and cars and didn't say a peep about the extermination of people around them. The companies that spoke up were crushed. A corporation's bottom line is their bottom line, no matter what horrors they need to assist in perpetrating.
The Nazis organized a closed door meeting with the leading German industrialists and told them about their plans to rebuild the German military to take revenge for WW I. They agreed and many of those same asswipes escaped the post war prosecution.
Now these closed meetings happen at MaraLargo
They did not merely passively "assist". They established factories in close proximity to the death camps so that they could profit off of the slave labour deemed too fit for immediate extermination.
Remember when they removed "don't be evil" from their code of conduct back in 2018
They didn't. They moved it from the foreword to the final line.
To be clear, Google is absolutely evil, and the unofficial motto was always worthless. I am just annoyed everyone ate the clickbait reporting about something that never happened and is repeating it to this day. I guess "Google moved Don't be evil Clause to a less prominent spot" doesn't click as well.
Pepperidge Farm remembers. And so do I.
"Do you remember a time when women couldn't vote and certain people weren't allowed on golf courses? Petridge Farm remembers. It was back in 2025."
Corporations, at their core, are profit-generating engines—nothing more, nothing less. The corporate board’s one legal imperative is to ensure the shareholders see a return on their investment, by any means necessary. Morality? A marketing gimmick when convenient- not an operating principle.
All companies are evil. Google is not any more or less evil than any other company. The difference is they have a significant power base and therefore have a lot to gain or lose in the transition to fascism. They understand that Trump is spiteful and willing to bend and even break the law to punish those who defy him. They also understand he rewards those who bend the knee. Therefore, the most profitable path of action is bending the knee.
This should not surprise anybody. You substitute Google for any large corporation and they would have done the same thing. Don’t believe me? Google around (while you still can freely search for information) for the Coca-Cola saga in Colombia, where union leaders were getting forcibly suicided by narco-paramilitary death squads hired by Coca-Cola.
You know- the commercials that make you feel all warm and fuzzy around Christmas time with the polar bears and Santa Claus? Yeah, they'll murder you if you threaten their bottom line. It's just what they do.
There's a simple math equation:
P = Probability of getting caught,
F = Expected fine or penalty,
R = Potential revenue or profit,
α = The weight assigned to the probability of getting caught ( P ). If this constant is high, the corporation is more cautious.. if it's low, the corporation is willing to make more risks. In Colombia, this is much lower than in the US.
β = The weight assigned to the probable size of the penalty ( F ). A high β means there's a serious potential danger. However, if β is low (like when Ford decided the cost of simply paying lawsuits from deaths due to known car malfunctions was probably lower than the price of recalls) then they'll be more likely to push forward
γ = The weight assigned to the impact on their bottom line ( R ). For example, if Boeing thinks they will lose a lot of money from whistleblowers, they will find a way to suicide them. If the impact is small, then it's not worth the potential risks.
C = ( αP ⋅ βF ) − γR
Let's give an imaginary example. Let's say a corporation is considering dumping toxic waste illegally into a river, potentially giving thousands of people cancer. Let's say they're gonna save $10M a year from doing this.
R = 10,000,000
The probability of getting caught is 10%
P = 0.10
The expected fine is $5M
F = 5,00,000
Let's try out some constants
α = 1.5 ⇒ they're somewhat cautious about getting caught
β = 1.2 ⇒ they're moderately concerned about the penalty
γ = 2.0 ⇒ they're really motivated by profit (maybe their profits went down 10% last year, a big no-no)
Plug in the values
C = (1.5 · 0.10 · 1.2 · 5,000,000) - (2.0 · 10,000,000)
C = (900,000) - (20,000,000)
C = -19,100,000
C is less than 0? Dump that toxic waste, baby. It's the logical position if you're trying to maximize profit. Sometimes you will get caught, but imagine you did this in a simulation 1,000 times. Most of the times, you will be more profitable because of it and therefore you dump the waste.
It's like a poker player. If you get AA, you raise pre-flop. Sometimes you will lose on the flop to some dunce who goes in with 2-7... but in the long term, most of the time, you will win. Therefore it's the right move.
This is what companies do. People need to realize and internalize this. They are profit generating engines. Nothing more, nothing less. They are not your friends. They don't care about the environment. They don't care about the future of the world or anything. Literally nothing at all.
They are a math formula and if destroying everything you love happens to be the most profitable move most of the time, they will do it without second guessing. Because they aren't people. They are a machine.
They also removed Holocaust Remembrance Day. Probably because it's going to have to be renamed Holocaust I soon.
I'm happy to say I'm officially degoogled in my personal life/computer.
I still have legacy accounts with gmail that I can't migrate though.
Companies have decided to cut the crap and just focus on their core mission of being evil
Fuuuuuckkkk I wish I could degoogle again
Don't be evil, lol
Lmao, damn… I was done with them before this announcement but thanks for reinforcing my decision.
Honestly I wish they had a setting for only federal holidays. The ones where banks close.
I also want to be able to switch back to general holidays too though. These people at google are chicken shit cowards.
Honestly I wish they had a setting for only federal holidays. The ones where banks close.
Those are bank holidays.
It’s a shame, but fuck Google regardless of this :)
Just shows that companies show their support to please the people in power and that’s just []-washing
Opinions are still divided on whether companies should have a political opinion
The only thing I need to drop is my gmail account. Everything else went into the circular file.
They sent it all to the Gulf of Mexico...
Fuuuuuck.. I was really hoping I didn't need to migrate away from gmail.. But looks like this is it.
Is there an alternative to Google Drive that doesn't lock me into using MS Office. I particularly need to ability to share and edit files online.
Any recommendations on a replacement for Google calendar?
I've got shot of maps with that Gulf of Mexico business. The search engine due to ads, the mail client for the same reasons (still using the mail address but Fairmail as a client).
Nextcloud Has been fairly reliable for me
I don't understand why was this ever a thing. Fuck google, and fuck rainbow washing. They never really cared, and where just taking advantage of a noble cause.