Then firebomb the police cars once they arrive.
Be the change you want to see in the world!
Community Rules
You must post before you leave
Be nice. Assume others have good intent (within reason).
Block or ignore posts, comments, and users that irritate you in some way rather than engaging. Report if they are actually breaking community rules.
Use content warnings and/or mark as NSFW when appropriate. Most posts with content warnings likely need to be marked NSFW.
Most 196 posts are memes, shitposts, cute images, or even just recent things that happened, etc. There is no real theme, but try to avoid posts that are very inflammatory, offensive, very low quality, or very "off topic".
Bigotry is not allowed, this includes (but is not limited to): Homophobia, Transphobia, Racism, Sexism, Abelism, Classism, or discrimination based on things like Ethnicity, Nationality, Language, or Religion.
Avoid shilling for corporations, posting advertisements, or promoting exploitation of workers.
Proselytization, support, or defense of authoritarianism is not welcome. This includes but is not limited to: imperialism, nationalism, genocide denial, ethnic or racial supremacy, fascism, Nazism, Marxism-Leninism, Maoism, etc.
Avoid AI generated content.
Avoid misinformation.
Avoid incomprehensible posts.
No threats or personal attacks.
No spam.
Moderator Guidelines
Then firebomb the police cars once they arrive.
Be the change you want to see in the world!
The road to hell might be paved with good intentions, but the road to trans rights is paved with very throwable bricks
I always carry an emergency activism brick in my purse. :3
pretty please start with Elon and Trump
This is the way.
Crimes against TERFs aren't crimes
But only if we do it together... I dun have the confidence to rightfully hurt other people...
Easily identifiable by their ugly red hats and stupid names like 'Elon'.
Yes, mommy.
where funny
The "rule" in title thing is so weird to me. Just why?
196 came into being on reddit long ago, and that is a cute (imo) holdover from then. The original community (195 I think) had 1 rule, post before you leave, and a second "rule", include "rule" in the title as a reference to the 1 rule.
It's not actually enforced of course, but it's part of the 196 culture
The question was why. The community name and sub on reddit was clearly seen on all views
Thats as best of a why as we got. Sometimes things don't have clear reasons or origins
They answered the "why".