At 14, they should know how to share their toys.
Teen Relationship Advice
An English-language community for people ages 13-19 to ask for advice on relationships.
but can michael endure the shenanigans of two 14 year olds 😆
Are you close enough to talk about it? Just ask her if she likes michael and has plans for him, also unless you are sure better not to involve yourself, it can backfire and you will be the one to take all blame. 🥴
okay tysmm :)
should i just tell lisa that it’s wrong
Yes, in a tactful non-accusatory way. However, that's a tricky skill to master even for us grown ass adults so the chance of her taking it not well or in an accusatory way is high. It's possible the friendship won't survive
That being said, y'all are 14/15 that's the age for this kind of social experimentation and learning. You've probably heard it a million times from adults, but it's true, the relationships at your stage in life really won't matter by the time you reach your 20's. It just doesn't feel like it while you're in the midst of it. Relationships at this stage are extremely volatile if it wasn't this breaking them up it'll just be something else, try not to get too bogged down by it.
Bad idea. Talk some sense into her.
i will, tysm. i want her to kinda get the other guy she likes 😭