I just recently had a canvas print made of this and it looks amazing on my wall!
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That's awesome, where did you order it from?
This is so gorgeous, I love these stellar nurseries photos. The scale of these structures is mind boggling too.
Is it really just gas that colors the sky? This is amazing
Yes, but not the same way as this. The atmosphere scatters light and the higher energy light waves in the blue are of the spectrum scatter more, so the sky appears blue to us.
In this Nebula the gases are excited by the stars in the gas clouds and emit light. They called emission nebulae. They have others that are called reflection nebulae and they are usually gas clouds that have a star(s) that are between us and the cloud, so the light is reflected towards us.
Isn't carina where the trachea splits left and right into the lungs? Why did they call the nebula after that?