Yes! It's hard to find the time with all the things to do and enjoy but yeah it's nice to take a half hour or so to talk about it. I'm going to write a bit after this!
Journaling Just Works
A place to discuss anything related to keeping a journal, a diary, a planner, a bullet journal, art/junk journal. Productivity, self-help, mindfulness, memory-keeping, creativity, project management or any other purpose.
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I find I get some really quality introspection / observations around this time of year, and also just during holidays in general. Maybe it’s just the time off, or maybe it’s having an event to write around. I’m not sure.
Do other folks especially look forward to writing their thoughts down during the holidays?
I was about to say 'I don't', explaining that like many people I was mostly looking out for some down time, but I would not be journaling more. But then, I realized I would be wrong.
It's also a period where I try to recap how things went in the last year and how I would like them to go for the following year, and I do that by reading my old journal entries, reflecting on them and trying to figure out what I should do differently in the coming year. In fact, I have already started the last couple days.
So, yup, even if it's not related to writing down specific events, I too am looking forward to that time of the year for some, hopefully, quality introspection time with my journal ;)