Most Final Fantasy games and JRPGs in general.
Patient Gamers
A gaming community free from the hype and oversaturation of current releases, catering to gamers who wait at least 12 months after release to play a game. Whether it's price, waiting for bugs/issues to be patched, DLC to be released, don't meet the system requirements, or just haven't had the time to keep up with the latest releases.
You are in a theater group and steal a magical princess. Yada Yada Yada, you find out your twin brother is using magic life mist to build an army of dolls... Yada Yada yada, the princess turns a castle into a giant robot to fight the doll army... Yada Yada yada, you go to your alien space ship to find all of your other clones, yada yada yada your clone brother kills you and the only way to realive is to kill Necron the god of death and then the game ends.
Final Fantasy 9, the pinnacle of FF games doing this.
Another favorite for me though would be Breath of Fire.
You are a man, you become a dragon man, you find out you were always a dragon, find the goddess and have to chose between killing her or becoming a dragon god and killing your friends.
Firstly, I feel offended you reduced the giant mecha vs a dragon cinematic to robot vs a doll army :P
Ff9 did the "all powerful god" but it is really a wtf out of no where momement that can feel jarring with the themes of the game - a ludonarrative narrative dissonance, unless I missed some obscure reference to it somewhere
I would argue that ff6 wrote a less jarring "kill a god" fight:
Although pulling ideas from christianity, it has a psychopathic clown ascend to godhood, shatter the world and sit a top his "heavenly throne" shooting god rays from the sky on a whim
The fight then is a series of killing his "angels" before finally destroying him and shattering his "heaven"
mass effect. Shepard kills many reapers, which are pretty close to eldritch gods in another setting.
Final Fantasy 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 13
- Start off figuring out why meteors are falling and the wind has died
- Start off fighting a snail while using magic machines
- Start off as a terrorist
- Start off as an emo student
- Start off sneaking into a play
- Start off with blitzball
- Start heading down the hallway
Loop hero has you trying to rebuild a forgotten world as you traverse round a simple loop...
The Age of Mythology campaign. It starts with you heading to the Trojan War because some pirates stole your statue's trident…
Depending on how you define all powerful God, Fallout New Vegas
The entirety of Final Fantasy 14
Yakuza 0 goes through all the emotions with its storytelling: you start by singing karaoke, then become a fugitive, you go bowling, lose a friend, watch a dirty video...
Also, holy shit, most of you guys missed the point. Edit: Wait, did I miss the point? I thought this post was about wrong games for funsies
Though you DO actually fight a god in Yakuza 5 as a sidequest.
Mario and friends find a secret door while on their quest to defeat weapon invaders from another dimension.
Silent Hill and Silent Hill 3 - both games revolve around a cult that is trying to bring about the rebirth of their deity. You play as someone who finds themselves in the town of Silent Hill in search of a person. You solve puzzles, battle monsters, and navigate the town… and then it ends with you fighting a god.
Most of the Dark Souls are like that, ain't they? I'm too weak sauce to ever reach those levels, though. Black Myth Wukong has you starting Heaven's entire army, so I guess that qualifies too (I'm assuming you end up fighting a god at the end, but again, I'm not worthy)
Monkey canonically kicks all the gods' asses, but then loses to Buddha, who is not a god. That's because instead of using force, Buddha preys on Monkey's ego by giving him an unwinnable bet. And THEN Buddha drops a mountain on him.
Grim Dawn.
One moment you're dying on the gallows, the next you're fighting the tongue of a long dead god trying to reclaim it's appropriated flesh.
And the stakes only get higher from there for the DLCs.
Final Fantasy Legend, on the Game Boy. There are multiple worlds, and in every world there's a giant tower, and when you enter the tower, each level leads to a different world. Eventually you get to the very top and you fight God, who is guarding the door at the top level that leads to paradise.
Asura's Wrath, DMC1, Bayonetta
I mean... Dark Souls is the game that essentially created this meme.
Your entire goal is to beat up God and take his place so you can keep things going as they've been going for an untold number of centuries. Though IMO that's one of the bad endings; the good ending is ending the status quo and becoming a new, different god. A god a humanity instead of... Whatever the fuck the gods before were (they are separated from humanity, even though they look like humans) 🤷🏻♂️.
For a much older game... EarthBound. Starts off just being a quirky, modern day (modern day being the 90's in this case) RPG; ends with you fighting a literal space god that looks vaguely like a fallopian tube.
OG Chrono Trigger