For whitefly you want neem. Ladybirds eat aphid larvae, but green laceywings love whiteflies. Get a bunch of alyssum and dasies and other flowering plants to attract predators
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Thanks, I was thinking about neem but does it affect bees? I don’t want to kill those, especially not native pollinators.
If it’s ok to use is it just neem oil shaken in water or do you recommend a particular product?
Nope! In addition, Neem is about as targetted as you can get - bugs literally have to ingest it (eg: be eating the treated plant) in order to be affected.
Eco organics have a good range of stuff if you haven't used them, all based on the principles of targetting and least harm. They also sell predatory insects (and unlike most don't wild capture). I've started seeing them at bunnings too
Thanks, I’ll check it out
Ok I began painting some cardboard yellow so I can cut it into tags to smear for the traps.
While that’s drying I attempted to remove the pests. Doing it by hand isn’t very effective as they spook and fly off fast. Especially when there’s a few.
Damp cotton wool seems to work better. I come in directly from over the insect and crush/wipe it a few times to kill. It’s also useful to clean off the honeydew poop so it won’t attract mould or whatever