Hi! I'd like to share a package of mine that was recently made available on MELPA.
Disproject is a package for GNU Emacs that provides integration with
and allows for dispatching various project-related commands via
Transient menus.
It is similar to (and inspired by) the function project-switch-project
, but also attempts to improve on its feature set in addition to the use of Transient. Projectile users may also find similarities to projectile-commander
Some notable features include (but may not be limited to):
- Auto-detecting the current project when starting the menu.
- Switching between active projects (i.e. only those with open buffers).
- Defining custom per-project suffixes like compilation commands to show in the menu (see
- An option to prefer displaying buffers to another window when executing commands.
- When available, integration with: envrc; magit; magit-todos; mise.el.
- A set of customizable variables to substitute some commands in the menu (see Customization).