the poopstain will destroy unions and worker protections.
Chronicling political and metaphorical leopards eating the faces of the hubristic.
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the poopstain will destroy unions and worker protections.
That's nice dear, then trump will learn why the US national guard stopped getting deployed for strikes. Assuming Americans care enough for their workers protections. Americans seem to enjoy their slavery.
Haha working class. Reap what you sow.
It's really telling how some folks view the working class when they don't serve them. It's actually fascinating - especially when looked at from a racial lense, imo
I saw driving miss daisy
Man this community is going to have a lot of content for the next 4 years.
We don't need federal "support" to strike anyways.
The Democrats only support unions because unions are some of their biggest donors. That's part of the resson why Republicans are so anti union.