Currently playing through Bloodborne for the first as a break from BG3 (kind of avoiding my office and chair for a few days after dumping 100 hours into BG3). I
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Bloodborne is great. Have you played any other souls game before or is it your first one?
I've played Demon Souls Remake, Sekiro and Elden Ring. In that order. DeS Remake is by far the best looking game graphics wise in the previous 5 years. As far as gameplay goes, Elden Ring is the king of these games by far.
BB is alright, it has really shifty hit tracking. Makes up for it when everything goes right. The story and world are fantastic, I would play a sequel in this universe.
Yeah, I haven't played much souls-like, just original Demon's Souls and Bloodborne. Loved Bloodborne. Though got stuck at a boss halfway through, and then drifted away.
Would love to play a sequel.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider. It never clicked after the highs of first two games, but I wanted to get it out of my backlog before getting into big games of this year. It gets better after 10 hours or so I think, it becomes more like rise after a point, the general open world stuff I mean, story wise I have no damn clue what's going on. It's still a 6/10 for me, but such games have their own place I guess. Visually it looks pretty good, maybe even better than most of the current gen games.
I have only played Tomb Raider, in remake trilogy, still have to play Rise and Shadow. I should play them sometime soon.
How did you liked the Rise of Tomb Raider? Compared to first one?
I liked Rise the best out of the three. It has better pacing, much diverse environments and a genuine progression on Lara's story.
That's nice. Should play it soon then.
Thanks for the feedback.
Still totally addicted to Remnant 2.
Hearing great things about things. How do you compare it with the first? If you have played it?
Never played the first one. Sorry!
I got the exact same reply for Remnant from someone else too, or did I not notice your username and asked you same question is two different threads? π
I just went back and checked and yep we had the exact same conversation in last week's "what are you doing this weekend" thread π€£
See you again next week with the same question and same answer no doubt !
Haha, sure, going to wait for your comment in this week's thread π€£
Death's Door
Doesn't really do anything new, but it is very slick at what it does do, which is being an isometric hack n slash with a lot of Soulslike inspiration, and even more charm.
That sounds fun.
No Manβs Sky on PSVR2 after the most recent update. It might just be the best version of it now.
Is there any kind of story or linear missions? Or is it still a sandbox with just do whatever you want kind of game?
There is a story and there are missions, but I honestly never got through all of it, not to mention the stuff they have added over time. I would always get distracted by doing random stuff.
Ahan, interesting.
Thanks for the feedback.
Still trying to finish Elden ring
Good luck Tarnished.
Trying to get through Ghostwire Tokyo, but the camera and combat are tough to ignore.
Combat looked interesting in the trailers. Is it not good? And what's the issue with camera?
The aim acceleration settings are very unintuitive and can't be turned off altogether. There's a lot of input latency even when using the DS in Bluetooth mode and playing at 120hz VRR mode. The combat suffers from the terrible controls because it's an aim-heavy FPs game at the end of the day, and the aim assist doesn't help enough. There's no adjustable FOV so you can get motion sickness pretty fast, combined with the terrible camera and it makes playing a chore. The combat itself is mediocre, no room for skill; it basically boils down to block > spam attack.
Ah. Okay. Thanks for the feedback.
Sorry for the rant lol. It's free on ps plus so why not give it a try
Haha, no worries. I am going to give it a try, but would go in with managed expectations now. π
I am going to start Deathloop!
It's leaving PS+ Extra in September. So want to finish it before that. And with how long it takes me to finish a game, have to start it right away so that I can finish it before the deadline.
I just played this recently (also ps plus). It was really great!