I want to start off by saying that I work from home and would like to continue doing so indefinitely. I also think these CEOs are chodes and aren't really thinking about the point I'll attempt to make next and typically do not care about such concerns.
Now, I do wonder what effect the loss of the "2nd place" (home, work, community being the "working definition" of places) for vast swathes of the American public will have in a country where the "3rd place" is already pretty non-existent.
In other words, we're already quite an isolated society. What will a large percentage of us also working in isolation have on the country and on mental health in the long run?
I think there's a potential that it could be a good effect or a bad one (or a mixture like most things), and I'm not sure which outcome is more likely.
We could become even more withdrawn from each other...or we could use the time we used to spend in traffic and with coworkers to build up local, community bonds instead. I suppose only time will tell, but I think it's an interesting discussion that I haven't seen talked about much yet.