That's it? Twitter is going to be sad it lost it couch cushion money.
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Wasn't X banned in Brazil because the government wanted to censor people who were critical of the government, and X said "we're not going to do that"?
It was banned because twitter failed to appoint a legal representative, a condition of doing business in Brazil. Failing to appoint a legal representative is kind of like sticking your fingers in your ears 'nya nya nya nya' and hoping your problems go away. They didn't.
Not to defend musk, but wasn't this because they threatened to arrest the legal representative so they got recalled back to the states?
That's what happened from what I heard.
No it didn’t
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Social media platform X said Saturday it will close its operations in Brazil, claiming Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes threatened to arrest its legal representative in Brazil if they did not comply with orders.
It was banned because it didn't follow court orders to remove illegal content from it's platform, yes. Whether the content was rightfully illegal, I don't know because I didn't see it, one side claims that it "was critical of the government" the other side claims that it "was inciting hate and violence".
Now I hope that we can agree that there are valid reasons to remove and ban online content, and from the news I hear about Twitter since it was bought by Musk I think the content was rightfully banned. Just knowing that Musk was against the ban is enough for me to believe so.
Damn, that's a shame. I thought the ban was because they're a Nazi website.