Nice! Any issues?
Bike Commuting
A place on the fediverse to share and discuss about commuting by bicycle
I mean the cardboard box wasn’t secure so it kinda flopped all over the place on my way in. I don’t plan on having to carry that again though and the ride back was much smoother. I’m lucky enough that my whole commute is multi-use trails so besides half a dozen crosswalks I don’t deal with cars much.
That is lucky. A trail ride to work sounds idyllic.
A good rear rack, some luggage straps along with roomy panniers and hou can haul really lots of things. Surprising amounts.
How did it go? Is your commute far? Any cool infrastructure asking the way??
Went well! Definitely planning on doing it again tomorrow. It’s about 8 miles one way but generally pretty flat and all on paved trails. I end up on the W&OD trail at the end of my ride which is some pretty sweet infrastructure by American standards.