Depending on the play/engagement of the new patrols, I'd recommend ReSB1 on solo private queue for its AFK potential. However, if the new content is fun to play OR can be fast/rewarding (like the Red Alerts), then I'll do those instead.
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Important note about one of the prizes:
Pulse Phaser Weapon Pack
This pack is account bound, and not reclaimable. It will be granted to the character who claims the Grand Prize.
I noticed that too, sucks but it is what it is.
What I was trying to decipher was if the ship is also character only, or account-wide as well?
I think the ship is a standard reclaimable, account-wide unlock.
They posted the breakdown's account-wide!
So, basically, character-bound non-reclaimable. Like the shotgun in that one Zen bundle.
From September 17th at 8am PT to October 17th at 12pm PT, you can participate in the “Dimensional Typhoon” event. This new event will find you facing all three variants of the Multiversal Borg.
You will receive two daily progress for completing a TFO, and one daily progress for completing a patrol. They are as follows:
- TFO: Royal Flush (NEW)
- TFO: Battle of Wolf 359
- TFO: Resistance of Starbase One
- Patrol: “Out of Control“ (NEW)
- Patrol: “Unwanted Guests“ (NEW)
Pulse Phaser Weapon Pack
This pack is account bound, and not reclaimable. It will be granted to the character who claims the Grand Prize.
~Indy's note: Emphasis in bold is my own~