Other More Specific Concord Video's
Luke Stephens: https://youtu.be/mvGQeDxJA-U - We might see it come back as a live service, but that would be unlikely.
Oujirou YT - https://youtu.be/BeyTd2xS9xk - Talks about the impact of concord on its developers, and lessons to take away for your own game development studio.
Previously Ojirou YT - Talks about speculative cost analysis of Concord - https://youtu.be/xxbkuBv_d_0 ... about 88 million usd, or about 25 million in the last year.
So for sony to keep the studio alive and work on concord for a re-release (free to play, new heros, single player campaign, etc), that would cost at LEAST 25 million more monies