There's always form improvements your can make, but I don't think that's the problem here. I see from your other comment that you're following GZCLP. The program prescribed a deload when you can no longer progress in weight. Have you done that? Are you sleeping and eating well?
As for form, there are a few things I'd try to work on if you want to optimize how much you can squat, but if you just care about getting a good workout, only the first point would matter imo.
- Depth: Consistency is key, and the best way to achieve that is either going to parallel or as low as possible. You will have to decrease the weight if what we see in the video is the depth you're used to.
- Unracking: you're basically doing a partial good-morning to unrack. That'll sap away the energy you have available for your squat, but it looks like you might not be able to change that with the rack you're currently using.
- Walk-out: Get practice with taking exactly 2 or 3 steps. The more steps you take, the less energy you'll have for squatting.
- Shoes: A more solid base means less energy waste. Your feet are visible wobbling around here.