"plaster of paris" is such a weird name
Disney Vacation
This is not about actual vacations to Disneyland or Disneyworld.
It's for weird, terrible, terrifying or bad illustrations from WikiHow.
Find a weird/terrifying/hilariously bad picture from WikiHow
Post it here with an original and funny caption
Link to the WikiHow source article in the comments
All posts must be unmodified 'full' (non-mobile) WikiHow images or videos. They should be strange, terrifying or just plain awful.
All posts must provide the source WikiHow article as a link in the comments. This should be done as either a plain link, or the link text should be the name of the article.
Don't be a dick.
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Searching for "plaster of paris, cornmeal, sugar" leads to some sites with what appear to be very good guides on making one's own rat poison. Thanks, bookmarked (we get 'em occasionally).