Oh man, Ghostwriter. Gooey Gus gave me nightmares as a kid. I was too scared even to go to the toilet because I imagined he'd be sitting in there when I opened the door.
It's a Unix System
Ever notice that technology used in TV is just incredibly, laughably wrong? So have I. This community is here to point out all the weird, technobabble-based UIs seen in various media.
Rule 1: Posts must be titled in the following format:
[Source] Description
Rule 2: No Stock Images
Rule 3: Posts must be over the top, satirical, embarrassing, or downright, flat-out incorrect usage of Technology found in Movies, TV Shows, and Video Games
Rule 4: No website screenshots, including Instagram and Facebook
Rule 5: No invalid IP addresses Everyone who can recognize an invalid IP address will cringe at it. They're often intentionally wrong for the same reason most TV/movie phone numbers are 555-####.
I'm just now realizing another level of absurdity here: Ghostwriter couldn't speak or hear, only read and write. Yet he's (I think it was established GW was a he), flying down the information superhighway on a modem (which works acoustically).